Not-a-Stripe 01: Shakes and Shivers in WHAT THE FUCK land!

Jul 12, 2011 15:19

[Morning - 1669 Nelson St.]

[It is a (relatively) peaceful day in this particular iteration of Mayfield...actually, no, let's try that again.]

[It is a relatively quiet day in Mayfield...wait, no, still wrong.]

[It is not a particularly unevent---fuck.]


[The entire house seems to shake when a woman wakes up screaming loudly in ( Read more... )

reacting calmly, i swear

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I totally wasn't screaming in the phone yesterday. Nope! Not at all! *cough* walking_nuke July 12 2011, 22:43:43 UTC
Yo, lady, I don't think'a military's gonna do much good out here. I should know. I'm a soldier myself. Met a few others too, from other places.

[Have summa dat Philly accent.]


lookouttiger July 12 2011, 22:56:30 UTC

W-w-w-wait, what do you mean?! Are you saying soldiers have been kidnapped too?! [THIS DEMANDS FURTHER INVESTIGATION. And panicking. Lots of that, too.]


walking_nuke July 12 2011, 23:03:37 UTC
Yeah. I'm Sergeant First Class Balin Wilbur. I wound up here yesterday mornin', and I uh-let's just say I had as helluva hard time with'is as you.

... Look, what I'm gonna tell you next is gonna depend on where you're from. First person I talked to here ain't from Earth at all, so, yeah. Where're you from?


lookouttiger July 12 2011, 23:12:14 UTC
[ALIENS ARE INVOLVED NOW?! Still, she tries to calm down and explain.]

Well, as far as I know I'm from Modern-day Japan...but what do you mean by that? Just how extensive is this kidnapping plot?


walking_nuke July 12 2011, 23:31:06 UTC
Japan, huh? ... Modern day?

[There's an odd tone in his voice. Like he has a hard time believing she's from "modern-day" Japan.]

Well, okay. Far as I know ... This town's called Mayfield. Supposedly it's in America back in the Fifties, but this ain't like no America I've seen. For starters, there's no way in or outta here. You try and leave city limits, you'll wind up back on the other side of town.

The people runnin' the show here are a bunch of sick fucks who like comin' up with new ways to torment everyone they bring in. Anyone who ain't runnin' the show or is a prisoner is a "drone." You seen those people yet? All smiles and sunshine, think you've been here your whole life? Those're the drones.


lookouttiger July 15 2011, 03:58:14 UTC
[Do you hear this sound, mister? Do you? It is the sound of Taiga being utterly horrified out of her mind. She's not sure whether to conform to suspension of disbelief or block this out entirely. After several long minutes of not saying anything, she'd speak up...]

...I think I need to go lay down now.


walking_nuke July 15 2011, 04:26:14 UTC
Yeah, that was kinda how I reacted, too. This place is a fun house from Hell.

Listen, there's someone named "Dist the Reaper" who's been a "prisoner" of this place for a few years.

They-I dunno if it's a he or she-wrote a "welcome letter" which covers all'a important things you need to know, and people've been distributing it as pamphlets. That's how I found out about all'a this.

You oughta find a copy as soon as you can; hell, maybe Riza'll loan you hers.


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