If we play our cards right, we can end this war in one swoop. The Godwins... well, actually, they'll probably figure out real fast what hit 'em, but with any luck, it won't matter. Save the princess, and we save Falena.
Sounds like things are getting pretty bad in the Nexus. People getting abducted, randomly attacked outside the AV-field, and some kind of strange fog related to something called 'Silent Hill'... This might be another rough patch, like the Flood, only even worse. Obviously.
The guy who came looking for him's kind of an ass, but he explained that Hana just... kind of vanished from the medical ward. Apparently, he didn't use a portal or a PINpoint.
So much for that 'great wizard' the Prince brought in as a tutor! What a pompous jerk! His so-called 'advice' was just a bunch of insults -- 'Oh, I'm amazed somebody like you has a Cyclone Rune! My, you've certainly gotten far with such primitive techniques!' Gah!
Two of Michel's allies showed up in the Nexus today... or, well, alternates of them, anyway. It's nice being able to put faces to names, and they were both really friendly.