Title: Because You Left, Chapter Twenty: The End is the Beginning (is the End)
Pairing/Character(s): Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Ben Linus Anderson, Finn Hudson, Sayid Jarrah, Artie Abrams, Brittany S. Pierce, Lord Tubbington, Santana Lopez (and her Abuelita), Ethan Rom.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Descriptions of a panic attack/nightmare, brief
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Comments 7
Also, thank you for ending this portion with the Ethan scene and not the Blaine/Kurt singing because I would have been all "it raining on my face--waaaah! wait, you're ending it and now I have to wait?!" That was a nice buffer.
One of these days I'm actually going to reference a song that was used in an episode of Glee. Since, you know, that's actually supposed to be a musical. As opposed to LOST, which is not. (But LOST used music in such interesting ways, so.)
FWIW, I don't think you need a wiki (speaking as a total Lost newbie) -- I like the way you're revealing things bit by bit. Maybe just a warning not to try to catch up via Lostpedia, because, yeah, learned that one the hard way. :)
But we'll see. IDK, Cooper Anderson kind of steamrollered my writing plans last week, so I should probably write more, wiki less for right now.
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First big reveal. Still the best big reveal.
(I always rooted for Ben. Can you tell?)
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