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HUH? RADIO? asprecise April 1 2010, 17:01:17 UTC
-ome on, sweetie, pick up-

Hello?! Who is this?


lookingformykid April 1 2010, 17:03:41 UTC
[Oh God...that]

This is Harry Mason. Who is this?


asprecise April 1 2010, 17:09:56 UTC
Oh, real funny... [some shuffling sounds, a door opening and closing]

This is Harry Mason! Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?


lookingformykid April 1 2010, 17:24:50 UTC
[Looking around now]

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm the only one in the house here.

And I don't know who you are but my name is Harry Mason.


asprecise April 1 2010, 17:34:24 UTC
I know my name! [muttering] I remember that much, at least-

Put Cheryl on the line! I know she's there! [HE DOESN'T REALLY, BUT. HERE'S HOPING.]


lookingformykid April 1 2010, 17:37:01 UTC

[Daddy reflex's kicking in]

What do you want with my daughter?


HAHAHA... asprecise April 1 2010, 17:45:03 UTC
Your daughter? [another door, but this one gets slammed somewhat]

She's my daughter. Who are you? Where is she? If you did anything to her I swear I'll-


This is going so well lookingformykid April 1 2010, 17:46:44 UTC
Yes my daughter. Cheryl Mason.

And no she's not here.

[Looking around the house]

I don't believe you're here either.


asprecise April 1 2010, 17:51:37 UTC
Of course I'm not there! I'm - stupid weather, nothing's running...

You better be long gone by the time I get to Simmons Street, or I'm calling the cops!


lookingformykid April 2 2010, 01:48:35 UTC
Simmons street?

What are you talking about?


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