Sharper Halloween Drabble

Nov 02, 2008 07:50

govi20 and I were playing in an LJ Trick or Treat Challenge
on Halloween and I wrote two Sharpers on request. As I have neglected the boys lately, I thought I'd cross post here.

Author: mooms
Recipient: govi20
Pairing: Sharpe/Harper
Rating: R
Warning: Written as Trick for Trick or Treat - Character death implied
Disclaimer: Sharpe and Harper belong to bernard Cornwell and I am just borrowing them for fun.

Sharper Halloween Drabble for govi20

“Christ. Pat, you’re bloody cold tonight. To tell the truth I wasn’t expecting you. Ramona said yer fever was high.

“Yer jumpy too. I suppose it’s this Halloween night that does it. You Irish are superstitious buggers with yer fear of the dead and spirits. It’s the living I fear, Pat, starting with them Crapauds camped down in the valley and the only spirits I’m interested in are in that bottle over there. Give it here.

“ Oooh, that’s good. Harder Pat……Fuuuck!

“Must have blacked out there. Where have you gone, Pat?

“Who’s there? Ramona? Why are yer cryin’ lass?”

sharpe/harper, fic

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