i fell into the water, and now i'm free;

Apr 15, 2011 22:16

 Okay, so. LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW FUCKING AWESOME ALL OF THIS WEEK'S NEW EPISODES WERE. Seriously. It was just a week of badassery and quality. I can't even. I won't go in to detail now because I'm tired, but holy shit, guys. Do you not agree? First TVD with all the twists and rollercoasters, then SPN with the hilarity and slash, and then Fringe with ( Read more... )

other: episode reviews, tv: supernatural, tv: fringe, tv: the vampire diaries

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Comments 11

gallicka April 16 2011, 19:29:04 UTC
ooooh you make me wanna pick up TVD again bb.

I'm still in the process of dl. the latest episode from SPN and Fringe. >.< I need it like NOW!

btw. do you know where I can find some HQ Doctor screencaps?


longerthanwedo April 16 2011, 19:34:25 UTC
You should! That last one was just very good, and I think the end of season arc is going to be fantastic.

Yay! Methinks you will very much enjoy them ;)

Well I get most of my DW screencaps from disparue.org, which has all the seasons. the-medusa-cascade.com has some awesome HQ episode stills and things too, from all the seasons :)


gallicka April 16 2011, 19:41:41 UTC
Well...I like season 1's ending. Dunno why, but I never pick up season 2, even though I like season 1 .o.O

hnnnng! I'm sure I'll. I have heard pretty things about them *giddy*

Thanks bb! <3 I'm thinking about capping some DW blurays. Since I got them anyway... although, I'm kinda in a capping spree right now, I still like to browse for caps first. XD


longerthanwedo April 16 2011, 19:43:05 UTC
Hahaha, I think you should pick it up! It's very good.

I just love them both so much xD I can't wait for next week's.

Whoot! What program do you use for capping? I'm curious since every single one I've tried hasn't worked for me :(


ever_neutral April 17 2011, 04:46:01 UTC
I am not up with Fringe or SPN, but I loooooved that TVD ep. So much better than last week's.


longerthanwedo April 17 2011, 04:46:52 UTC
Yesssss. I'm really happy with where it's going.


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