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Comments 26

therisingmoon September 9 2010, 01:14:29 UTC
this is an awesome picspam, but i think you messed up on the size of your text. it's huge.


longerthanwedo September 9 2010, 01:16:03 UTC
Thanks! It's not huge on my computer D: I'll try to fix it.


therisingmoon September 9 2010, 01:17:31 UTC
it shows up when i viewed it in the normal lj comment page, if that's any help.


longerthanwedo September 9 2010, 01:20:52 UTC
Is it fixed now? It showed up in the edit page.


easytigergrrr September 9 2010, 01:29:27 UTC
Love the way you did the graphics! I'll def have to give that musical/cd a listen! The lyrics you gave def fit Sam to a t!


longerthanwedo September 9 2010, 01:30:55 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked :) Definitely listen to the album; it's amazing ♥


(The comment has been removed)

longerthanwedo September 9 2010, 02:23:39 UTC
Thanks :)


leonhart_17 September 9 2010, 02:14:05 UTC
awesome! I love this show! (I'm in the middle of rewatching season 5 before the new season starts) I haven't listened to his album but I'll have to check it out!


longerthanwedo September 9 2010, 02:24:52 UTC
Awesome! It's a great show and a great album :)


chemist September 9 2010, 04:47:43 UTC
To be honest, I'm not terribly familiar with Supernatural but I saw Razia's Shadow and freaked out. I love your coloring and the use of the textual images, awesome job.


longerthanwedo September 9 2010, 05:39:04 UTC
Thank you so much! You should check out the show; it's great.


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