(no subject)

Sep 20, 2015 15:52

Sign ups will close on Wednesday, 30th September

After that I will post the themes for the round and everyone will have 20 days to complete their claim and post it

There are some more rules below the cut, please make sure to read them.

If you have any more questions please just post them here or PM me.

I hope everyone enjoys themselves!


01: You need to be a member to post to the community so please make sure you have joined before you sign up
02: Only sign up if you think you can make the deadline
03: If, for whatever reason, you do not think you can complete your claim please let me know. If you do not then you will not be allowed to sign up for the following round
04: You can only sign up once per round
05: No multiple claims allowed. Claims are given on a first come, first served basis
06: All claims must be of a period or costume drama. You can find a small list of example claims here
07: Read the rules
08: Use the form under the cut to sign up

Deadline: Wednesday, 30th September

Claim 01:
Claim 02:
Claim 03:
Username needing access:
Theme suggestions:


1776 | erinm_4600
Ann Darrow (King Kong, 2005) | lady_turner

*free round, #round 13, *sign ups

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