Player Information
Name: Kerry
Age: 20
AIM SN: fontcroire
email: fontcroire @
Have you played in an LJ based game before? I'm currently in Siren's Pull
Currrently Played Characters: Wilhelmina Harker
Character Information
Canon Source: Sanctuary
Canon Format: TV Show
Character's Name: Helen Magnus
Character's Age: 160
What form will your character's NV take? A tablet, capable of voice, video and text.
Character's Canon Abilities: Helen possesses the abnormality of longevity.
Weapons: Helen is proficient with guns, other experimental technology and anything that you can wield as a weapon. She always carries at least one gun on her.
Character History:
Helen Magnus @ wikiaPoint in Canon: End of 320 Into The Black
Character Personality: One of the first things to know and remember about Helen is that she is first and foremost a Victorian woman. While she may not hold high many of the standards expected of a woman from that time, it doesn't change her upbringing and overall demeanour and whilst she has adapted to integrate herself with the changing times she is still the same woman at heart. She is a particularly private person, a mix from her need for privacy in her work, her experiences but also due to her upbringing. Helen doesn't talk freely about her feelings and will take care of others before herself. If Helen does talk about herself or her past it is usually in brief detail and the conversation is rapidly cut short if it takes a turn into matters that she is unwilling to discuss. Even those that Helen considers herself friends with know very little about her life, barring her long-standing friends.
Etiquette is something that Helen holds to the highest regard and will let you know should something that you do or say cross her boundaries into disrespect or bad etiquette. A testament to this was in an alternate timeframe when, even though the world was ending, Helen requested that the young girl that she was with told her her name - stating that “proper etiquette would be to offer your name in return”. Helen also has a lot of pride for herself and her work and does not take kindly to anyone demeaning that or her authority. She's an intelligent woman and very loyal - if she cares about you or you're a friend she will protect you and will do so regardless of any other influences. Helen employs a strong "do no harm" ethic due to her status as a medical doctor and her wish to protect any abnormal and person. She is unwilling to harm or even kill any individual without a spectacularly good reason, often placing her own life in danger above that of whom she would rather save, an example of this being John Druitt whom she has tried to save for over a century despite his actions towards herself and others.
In her work Helen employs some strict sensibilities which aide in protecting both her work and her patients. While she may not relax often, and only takes a weekend long break every seven years, Helen does know how to relax and enjoy herself. She knows how to make light of a situation and has a distinctive sense of humour, though it's only seen when the time is appropriate. As well as being protective over people’s lives she is also protective over their beliefs or interests. Helen has long understood the personal dangers of the job, the lack of being able to communicate it to others (“dinner parties are hell”) and allows her staff the relaxation and personal time that they so need. Her protective nature is also very compassionate and though it may be hard for Helen to relate to others she does truly try.
Helen is a strong woman both physically and mentally. It takes a lot for Helen to lose control over herself in a situation or to act rashly or without calm. One thing, or rather person, which does alter this is Helen's daughter Ashley. Whenever Ashley is in danger, or even when she was kidnapped by the Cabal, Helen fought for her and even placed her work in danger to rescue her daughter. Another individual who causes Helen to lose clarity in situations is John Druitt. Despite his actions Helen was unable to fully sever her feelings for him or truly hate him due to their past, instead burying them deep. Whilst Helen may have feared John when he first came back into her life, his actions and events that unfolded have shown that he will not hurt her or the Sanctuary. While she may not fully be able to trust him, Helen is able to place enough trust in him to allow him to help. Her own actions of wishing to help him shows that she does still care for him also, whether or not she will admit it.
Due to Helen's extended life she has seen the world change many times and knows that she will again. Though she keeps herself apprised of global affairs, mainly to protect the abnormal community, Helen herself is less involved with them than she was in past years. Political affairs also hold less of an interest to Helen and, unless she is specifically asked, she will keep away from them. When Helen is not researching abnormals she makes time to present lectures on varying abnormal theories, though she has been told that her lectures are rather boring.
Character Plans: Helen will wish to continue her work into abnormals in a similar capacity hear once she hears that those brought here are given abilities. She'll help them medically but also in how to learn their ability by protecting them and mentoring them. Though Helen does not possess abilities other than her longevity, she is an expert into abnormals and their abnormalities and knows (through research, medical examinations and study) how they work.
Appearance/PB: Helen is portrayed by Amanda Tapping |
icons Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[ When the video feed activates the woman you're faced with is decidedly calm, more so than your usual new person would be. She's had a few things explained to her and while it may not be everything that she requires it is enough to allow her to - knowledgeably - make this post. And the rest she knows that she can learn later ]
It would appear that out location is rather more interesting than on first glance. Siren's Port, an area of Canada yet unmarked on a map. While there are hidden areas of this world that I am familiar with it would appear that this one I am at a loss for, though considering its effects on those that are brought here - perhaps even myself included - I feel a little shamed at that.
My name is Helen Magnus. I was brought here several hours ago, the time in which since I've spent familiarising myself with our location and anything that may occur. One thing in which I am fully aware of is what this place does and, should anyone require it, I would like to offer my help. I'm a doctor, and I have experience with the powers and abilities that have been given to you since - or even prior to - your arrival here. I know how daunting, even terrifying it can be which is why I am offering my services. My offer will always stand, whether my help is needed now or in future times.
[ She gives a small smile before cutting off the transmission ]
Third Person Sample
Despite having ideas of what to expect, being familiar with the time to which she was returning, the experience was still a new one to Helen and quite frankly she was bewildered. Time travel, the thing that was supposedly impossible, was something that she was doing. Granted not by her own hand - and thankfully at that - but she was actually revisiting a time in the past, and more than that a time from her own past. Oh, she has revisited it time before. The fond memories and the less than distant hatred but recollection and being... seeing it again for herself. Magical. Wondrous and yet so frightening.
And yet, when Helen stepped - or rather fell, the force of the anomaly was greater than she'd anticipated - to the other side what she saw was far from what she expected. She lifted her head, quickly pulling herself to standing and simply looked.
"Bloody hell." What should have been the cobbled streets of Victorian London was... well, a baseball field. And Adam was no where to be found. Granted, he'd stepped in some time before her but a mistake like this? He wouldn't have gotten far.
"Adam." Helen called. There was no way he would have just gotten up and gone, not when being here had something to do with it. Perhaps she had been right - time travel was supposedly impossible. Was as they were not in 1897. But still... where the bloody hell had he taken them?
"Adam, if this is one of your tricks I am far from amused." He'd already conned Druitt and it had been her job to stop her - her job each time and though she had failed so had they all. And now it came to this. "Adam!" She was becoming increasingly annoyed as time passed. Without knowing where - or when, she was just about entertaining that idea - Adam had taken them to neither of them had any chance in returning home - or where they wanted to be.