Because you're worth it.
Doki Doki Chat is a visual novel game where YOU, the player, get to interact with the various muns from Chatlandia. Providing the usual array of cute characters, as well as adorable mascots, this game pulls all your heartstrings and provides a wicked guitar riff with them.
"This game is so awesome! It makes me touch myself at night. And by night, I mean always." -
kickmeforever "Biggest cockblock in the world." -
momento_eden "oh baby" -
Tenchi: You can tell me anything. Rawr.
And for the Special Guest Appearance of Early Edition Thia Available Only RIGHT NOW For The Sneak Preview:
That's where Vered and I passed notes in class. I mean. Uh. Well. Anyway, that's Vered's design of Thia, which I stole, and ignore her design of me. Also stop thinking me as Scarfle. Honestly. And credit to Vered for the profile idea! Without her, the tragedy would have never continued.
Doki Doki Chat
Type: Loli
Likes: Strawberries, candy, stuffed animals, dresses, necklaces, turnips, eggs
Dislikes: Hustino, white vans, vegetables, prune juice
Blood Tyle: O
Character Description: Your first encounter with Jae is in the playground, where she will approach you to find her ball. Any mean comments will send her away crying, but she is very easy to please. She is very temperamental, but scoring a Very Good will reveal adorable cut scenes, such as the Teddy Bear and Lost Necklace.
Type: Tsundere
Likes: Prism Rangers, dresses, necklaces, eggs, hair ribbons, fish
Dislikes: Hustino, candy, fish, unique screennames
Blood Type: B
Character Description: Your first encounter with Orange is at school, where she comes up to you abruptly to poke fun of your shoes. Considered one of the medium difficult characters, she will open up to her sweet side with a little persuasion, to reveal that she has difficulty expressing herself through words. Cut scenes include The Fight and The Orange Juice. However, early attempts at wooing her will fail in insults, but the heart meter for her will not start to accelerate until mid-game.
Type: Sickly
Likes: Stuffed animals, holding hands, staring into each other's eyes, necklaces, dresses
Dislikes: Hustino, scary things, loud noises, mean people
Blood Type: A
Character Description: A completely helpless girl, Ethan will timidly approach you to help her find her shoes. The easiest character to woo, she will succumb to your charms if you are kind to her. However, if you get the Medium Ending, she will die in the end. If you get the Good Ending, she will give birth to a child. Cut scenes include W-Wait Is This Right and I-I Think I Like Y-Yodeling.
Type: Teacher
Likes: Apples, Gintama, anime, chalkboards, dresses, necklaces, concert tickets, Ginko
Dislikes: Hustino, scoundrels, eels, popouri
Blood Type: B
Character Description: Rawr. Your first encounter with Miss Ayame will be at school, where she calls you to stay behind to discuss your homework. Only full marks on your scores will receive the Good Ending. Ayame is one smokin' teacher at school. Though she is extremely mature, she can be vulnerable at times, having been betrayed by her former lover. Though she is only considered a medium difficult character, wrong answers of immaturity will turn her off instantly. Cut scenes include Naughty Naughty and Extra Credit.
Type: Older sister
Likes: Necklaces, motorcycles, bracelets, stylish goods, shopping, yogurt, iPods, junk food
Dislikes: Hustino, fish, pranks, candy
Blood Type: O
Character Description: Your first encounter with Siz is behind the school, where if you arrive on Monday, she will defeat the bullies and save you. As an older student, she will only see you on school days, but she will be very protective and guide you through your troubles. She is considered medium-difficult, as she will not admit her feelings to you unless you put yourself in harm's way, and you receive the Good Ending. Cut scenes include I Will Always Protect You and I Will Always Protect You From Hustino.
Type: Childhood Friend/Yandere
Likes: Playing around, rocket launchers, gelly puddy, bouncy balls, robots (blue), lolcats
Dislikes: Hustino, srs business, vegetables, necklaces, dresses
Blood Type: B
Character Description: Your first encounter with Foxfire is at her house, where you will wait for her to come out, to take the bus together. Waiting for her will boost your heart points, but will lower any older girl's heart points. However, she will be grateful, and occasionally reward you with blue robots. However, she hides a deep secret, in that every full moon, she turns into Geoff. Every blue moon, she turns into Keithina. Silly and completely gullible, she is otherwise harmless, and after two heart points, the option [Tip Foxfire Over Like a Cow] and [Prank Foxfire] will be available. Cut scenes include Night Oh Damn and Wait What.
Type: Yandere
Likes: Saws, large wooden boxes, shovels, bleach, rubber gloves, knives, fire
Dislikes: Hustino, candy, snow globes, yellow snowmobiles
Blood Type: AB
Character Description: A dangerous character, you first encounter Vered when she is in the park, holding a shovel covered in dirt. She will act like a loli in the beginning, but after visiting her house, she will slowly reveal her true colors. However, she is not without a sympathetic background story, and she will protect you from anybody who comes after you, including those who mean no harm. Medium Ending will only result in her killing you. For Good Ending, she locks you in her house for the rest of your life. Cut scenes include What's That Smell and That's Not Paint.
Type: Robot
Likes: Computers, books, tomes, math, analytical studying, statistics, mm z-scores
Dislikes: Hustino, Hustino, Hustino, Hustino, human emotions
Blood Type: A
Character Description: You first encounter Ammie at the library. Though at first you will be unable to read your heart points, as she has hacked into the game and eliminated the threat of love, she will still begin to rely on you. After three heart points, she will visibly favor you, and at five, give you her favorite book--War and Peace. Only by reading it will you get to the next level. Intellectual scores also must be high like a kite. Cut scenes include What Is Love and Is Love Really A Heart Attack.
Type: Mafia
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Hustino
Blood Type: Unknown
Character Description: A biker who only visits the town every five months, you will be lucky if you are able to woo her. She is the most difficult character of the game.
Type: Cat-Girl
Likes: Catnip, collars, furry cats, dishes, pots, pans, fish
Dislikes: Hustino, dogs, water
Blood Type: B
Character Description: Tenchi is a motherly cat-girl, who will welcome any of your problems and always give you good advice. Your first encounter with Tenchi will be at a Maid Cafe, where she is dressed as a cat-girl. Though she may seem distant at first, earning five hundred heart points will give you access to her secret past, where she is actually one of the few remaining cat-girls on the planet, and her world of Catopia is in trouble, and she seeks the human orbs to return love into her world. She is the Princess of Catopia, and fights against Doglandia in raging battles. She also has wings that only sprout in Catopia, but she hides her cat ears in the human world with large hair ribbons. She is a medium difficult character. Cut scenes include Come Into My Bosom and Meowwwww.
Type: Geek
Likes: Action figures, cute dolls, video games, anything nerdery, RvB
Dislikes: Hustino, people who dislike RvB, dresses, necklaces, pretty
Blood Type: AB
Character Description: An underaged girl who regularly attends conventions, AF would be a loli if not for her sheer geekery. Her entire room is full of dolls, and she regularly chatters on RvB. Considered one of the easiest in the game, select any option involving comic books and RvB, and she will attach herself to you. Cut scenes include It's Pink and Grif So Unmoe. The Medium Ending results in her telling you that she actually isn't looking for a boyfriend--or any romance at all, actually. In the Good Ending, she says the same thing, but in a maid outfit.
Type: What
Likes: Outfits, cute necklaces, bracelets, anime, action figures, ships
Dislikes: Hustino, disgusting guys, strange-colored puddy in her vegetables
Blood Type: AB
Character Descriptoin: You first meet Li-Chi at the club, where she offers you a drink. Your relationship will slowly bloom and develop. She is a medium-level character, and is open to you even in the beginning, with a chic attitude and a cutting-edge fashion. In the Medium Ending, she'll tell you that she's not into guys. In the Good Ending, she'll tell you that she's not interested in you. Cut scenes include Are Those Real and Yes I Eat Li-Chis.
Type: Schoolgirl
Likes: Homework, studying, intelligence, cosplay, rolling around
Dislikes: Hustino, slacking off, laziness, lethargy
Blood Type: A
Character Description: As one of the more available characters in the game, Thia will be your classmate at school, and introduce herself to you first. She grows more attracted to you with your higher intelligence levels, and will give you her cell phone number at three heart points. At five heart points, you will finally see her cosplay, which will be nosebleed inducing. She is also a trend-setter. cut scenes include Eeeee and *u*. Her Good Ending is actually good.
Type: Artist
Likes: Bracelets, shiny, games, paints, paint brushes, paint stuff
Dislikes: Hustino, stupidity, lack of maturity, fish blueberry pie
Blood Type: O
Character Description: She is the elusive artist you meet in the art room one day. You won't get her name until three meetings later, as she calls herself merely an artist until you find out that she's your former art teacher. Soon, you will be able to access her studio, and though her heart meter will take a longer time to load, keeping a steady balance should lead to a Medium Ending, which will involve her giving you her best painting, telling you to keep it, and then leaving.
Type: Trap
Likes: Cute things, stuffedd animals, love, hug, happiness
Dislikes: HUSTINO
Blood Type: B
Character Description: Tomiko is a sweet, lovely girl, who loves candy and elaborate dresses. She is very easy to get, much quicker than even Jae. However, the Good Ending will leave you cold, and the Medium, even colder. See the type. Cut scenes include Did I Just Get Bridget'd.
The happy bunny mascot of Doki Doki Chat, she will often be found at first meetings, to give you tutorial instructions. She can also be found in certain areas on certain days, to lead to secret levels. Capturing her is claimed to lead to happiness.
The happy sheep mascot of Doki Doki Chat, she will be found after cut scenes bouncing around as an unstoppable .gif until the next screen takes place. She is the congratulations mascot, and it is claimed that capturing her will lead to either a loop of the .gif for twenty-five hours, or a secret level heart-up.
The frightening counter-part of Foxfire, he is the villain of the dating game. Leaving any girls to his harm will result in game failure, with the exception of the stronger players, such as Vered and Siz. However, strangely enough, he is also available as an option to date.
white van
And that's all for today, folks! Be sure to stop by your local store to pick up an edition of this quality game today, never mind that half the preview got like cut off by Scarfle's scanner and Scarfle can't really draw and the text is difficult to read! Also, of course, credit to Vered if you didn't see above, because really, it's scarfle&vered amirite
Brownie points to whoever knows whose hairstyles I based from, for the loli, tsundere, and motherly. Hint: They're all from different visual novel games.
ALSO out of curiosity, which character would you go after? *u*
Doki Doki Chat Boy's Edition coming soon!