Wow. I absolutely adore your writing, and this is just another masterful piece!
It's amazing how you can set up a scene and a mood with just a few words. In places, the fic is saturated with this quiet, distant desperation, and I caught myself reading a bit faster in reponse (my breath even quickened, I was so caught up in it).
(Still lacking a White Collar icon; I should fix that one of these days.)
I loved this! It's an intriguing and entirely believable look at Neal. He's from Ohio! The Lone Gunmen (whom I know just enough about to get the cameo)! AND IS LIZZIE ACTUALLY EL BECAUSE HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE? THIS AWESOME. ::holds hands way far apart::
Comments 42
It's amazing how you can set up a scene and a mood with just a few words. In places, the fic is saturated with this quiet, distant desperation, and I caught myself reading a bit faster in reponse (my breath even quickened, I was so caught up in it).
Very, very nice work!
I like how even though there's so much loneliness in this fic, he still has this community of fellow outlaws who are there for him. Especially Mozzie.
Hee, "community of fellow outlaws", that's it exactly. :) Thanks for the comment!
Thanks for sharing it with everyone!
I loved this! It's an intriguing and entirely believable look at Neal. He's from Ohio! The Lone Gunmen (whom I know just enough about to get the cameo)! AND IS LIZZIE ACTUALLY EL BECAUSE HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE? THIS AWESOME. ::holds hands way far apart::
Yay, thanks! And OF COURSE SHE IS. :D What can I say? It seems every fic I write, they end up BFFs.
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