IC Contact

Oct 31, 2009 21:09

[only the crackle of static for a few moments as Scar hesitates briefly]

Er...I'm not sure...why anyone would want or need to contact me, but...here is, uh, where to do it. [He doesn't know how to end the message so there's only static again until the beep cuts it off]

ic contact

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all voice, all backdated clawofsin April 8 2010, 22:49:33 UTC
[Bet you weren't expecting to hear Senji's voice all of a sudden!]

So, I was thinkin'.

You're all right, but you really need to lighten up. I mean, I can't be expected to keep talking to you if you're just gonna be a stiff all the damn time.

I'm takin' you out drinking. No ain't an answer.


all voice, all backdated lonestray April 9 2010, 01:39:58 UTC
[He didn't, and Scar blinks at the Forge for a moment when it beeps. In five months he's never gotten a voicemail before.]


[Of course, then he hears what Senji actually has to say, and well. His mouth moves soundlessly for a few moments and then he manages--]

...I don't drink.


even MORE backdated, sob clawofsin April 10 2010, 01:31:04 UTC
...What'd I just say? The answer's yes, I don't give a shit if you've never seen a bottle in your life. Trust me, you need this.

[And now he's... laughing? That might be a bad sign.]

C'mon, you don't think I'd let anything bad happen, do you?


it's a backdating party! \o/ lonestray April 10 2010, 02:04:00 UTC
[Scar knew it wasn't going to be that easy, and that laughter is certainly not making him feel any more comfortable about the matter. He's silent for a few moments, and then finally he uses the only other excuse he can think of.]

I...don't think I could afford it.

[Which is true, if nothing else.]


/gets balloons and drinks :D clawofsin April 10 2010, 02:50:01 UTC
Ah... tryin' to get me to pay for it, is that it? Fine, if that's what it takes.

Assuming you're not just trying to wiggle out of it. I don't like being told no, Scar.

[His voice doesn't change, really, but there's a weight to his words even so. It almost sounds like he's grinning, in fact - though of course there's no way to tell.]

Just live a little for once, would ya? What do you say?


/cranks up the music lonestray April 10 2010, 03:19:09 UTC
[...Well, he tried. But he hadn't really expected Senji to offer to pay for him, hence slight flailing.]

I--...[A little quietly] you don't have to.

[A pause, and then finally] ...Looks like I don't have much of a choice.



/dances ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT clawofsin April 10 2010, 03:45:50 UTC
Well of course I fucking have to, they ain't gonna let you drink for free and I'm not wasting time gettin' drunk by myself. That's just pathetic.

[But he sounds pretty pleased with the result, actually. So what if it was forced? Details.]

Are you serious? Right now, man. You know that guy Duncan's place, right? I'll meet you there. I think they'll still let me back in... ah, whatever.


/dances with? lonestray April 10 2010, 04:26:46 UTC
[Sigh.] All right. I--[appreciate it? No, not quite in this case.] nevermind.

Fine, I've got to tell Mei where I'm going so she doesn't worry. Meet you there in fifteen minutes.

[ooc: do you mind setting up the log? orz.]


\o\ /o/ \o\ clawofsin April 10 2010, 07:53:28 UTC
That's what I like to hear. I know you might be in danger of enjoyin' yourself, but I promise it ain't as bad as it sounds.

Don't be late, I'm not gonna wait for you.

[ooc | sure i can! uh, after i sleep though, hahah XD any preference on it? i'll tag the other thread after i get some sleep too, ack]


<333 lonestray April 10 2010, 08:04:15 UTC
If you don't wait, that would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?

Hn. Whatever. I won't be late.

[ooc: xD No preference. :3 Sleep well~ <3]


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