can I get there by candelight? yes, and back again

Feb 07, 2011 22:19

This post is about three entirely unconnected things, but who needs cohesion, certainly not me.

Firstly, gamesiplay gave me five of my icons to talk about!

This is, of course, vamp!Willow - either from "The Wish" or "Doppelgangland", I can't remember which - and I tend to use it either a) when I make a post about Buffy, because this is the last Buffy icon I have left, and b) when I am VERY VERY ANGRY. (See also tag).) It is an odd combination. The latter tends to prevail, these days.

I don't use this one very often, but I don't like not having a M*A*S*H icon, so here it is. I think it accurately sums up the mood of the show, as well! I actually don't remember the scene the shot is from, but from the expression on Hawkeye's face, I suspect "Goodbye, Farewell, Amen".

God, isn't she gorgeous. Isn't she, though. That is the basically the only reason I have this one. (I also have a policy of never deleting icons that were at one time my default, so there's that, too.) The keyword for the icon is "don't give that girl a gun", which is supposed to be ironic, yes I'm hilarious, because Scully with a gun in her hand chasing bad guys is pretty much how the world ought to be.

This is another one that I don't use much because it's so indistinct, it's not much use for anything but talking about The West Wing, specifically. But it stays because I love the scene it's from so much: this is the moment at the end of "Noel", just after Leo's "a guy falls down a hole" speech, and it's Josh standing with Donna listening to the music turn into sirens.

This is a panel from Piled Higher and Deeper, which I actually don't really read - I read it when it's linked to, sometimes - but I love it as a catch-all icon for talking about underrepresentation of women in education and the professions. You wouldn't think I'd need an icon to talk about that specifically, but I took my first degree from Balliol College in PPE, and now I'm in law school and I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Here is the second thing I want to talk about. So, I wasn't really interested in reading any books by Diana Wynne Jones that weren't Chrestomanci books, but then I finished Deep Secret a couple of days ago and really loved it, so. Please recommend me others! I have read all of the Chrestomanci ones, The Merlin Conspiracy is on its way to me, rec me others so I can go and raid the public library. (I should mention that I haven't manged to get into Howl's Moving Castle - I'll give it another try if y'all think I should.) But yes, please rec me books! Mostly I like her dialogue and character relationships, and the writing-for-the-adult-audience better, but I'm open to persuasion.

(Oh, also, so, the problem with finishing Deep Secret, and I'm sure I am not alone in this, is that I now have the nursery rhyme "How Many Miles to Babylon" permanently stuck in my head. My usual solution to this problem is listening to the offending song a couple of dozen times to get it out of my system, but no one seems to have ever recorded it. I keep humming. It's very frustrating. Moving on.)

...and lastly. The third thing. Star Trek. What a shock. But calapine listed her favourite episodes of every series the other day, and I thought it should be a meme. Mine are, not of all time, but at the moment: "The Corbomite Manouever" (TOS); "The Inner Light" (TNG); "The Visitor" or "In The Cards" (DS9); "Blink of an Eye" (Voyager) and "Shuttlepod One" (Enterprise).

The funny thing is, both calapine and
gavagai listed "Counterpoint" as their favourite Voyager, and I'd never seen it for some reason. Now I have, and I liked it a lot - it's a delicious Janeway story, unusually sexually charged for Star Trek. And compiling the list, I'm struck by just how many really, really good Trek episodes there are: I mean, for every awful episode involving HYPER-EVOLUTION INTO REPTILES, there's one like "Measure of a Man" and one like "Duet". (I cannot watch Duet without crying. I also manage fine through "Far Beyond the Stars" until Sisko says: "For all we know at this very moment, far beyond all those distant stars, Benny Russell is dreaming of us", and I weeeep.)

Also, I think Voyager is unfairly maligned. It maybe doesn't have as many high points as TNG and Deep Space Nine, but when it's good it's very good, and it has some underrated episodes, especially in the later seasons. "Latent Image" is a fabulous, meditative piece about the nature of life, and this bit, I think, is one of the nicest scenes in any episode:

image Click to view

Note how beautifully it pases the Bechdel test! So beautiful. I love it.

There's also "Memorial", about war, and "Human Error", which I completely adore and no one else does: it's a tragic little story about Seven of Nine, and it makes me sniffle a bit. And "Lineage". It's a final-season Voyager episode about B'Elanna, and it's a story about racism, and it gets it; I mean, I'm only half-kidding when I say, you know why I'm not sure I want kids, watch Lineage. Do anyway, it's great.

Anyway. What are your favourites, maybe I haven't seen them, and I'd like to.

Now, to bed. Finally.

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comment(s). Comment there or here.

fandom: star trek, meme, fandom: chrestomanci, fandom: magids

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