"I thought we agreed it's too small for you."

Jan 11, 2010 03:57

Hello, internet. I hope that making my first post of the year a movie review would be a fortuitous move. So, my thoughts on yaoi Sherlock Holmes!

Kate Beaton puts Dr. John Watson into perspective

Little things that surprised me:

- The lovely banter between different characters.
"You experiment on my dog--"

"Our dog."

"The dog."
ASDFdshfl; ( Read more... )

movie discussion, fandom: misc., movie review, webcomic, thinky thoughts

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Comments 37

razberrycreme January 10 2010, 20:17:13 UTC
alsjf; that movie was so slashy and fun. DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT PLOT WHEN THERE ARE SLASHABLE CHARACTERS SLASHING THEMSELVES FOR THE JOY OF SLASH. Erm. I got a little overenthusiastic but still. I did not like Watson's wife-to-be. I thought for sure she would turn evil and then Watson and Holmes could be 2gether 4ever but alas. :(

Twitter! a;k; (<-- my keymash knows what's on my mind...) I am scared of twitter, but I check it every...erm, month or so. Will you be using twitter from now on? :Db


lonelybusiness January 10 2010, 20:25:40 UTC
APPARENTLY SOME PEOPLE CARE ABOUT SILLY THINGS LIKE BELIEVABLE PLOT. I don't get it either. :/ I kept shaking my friend's arm throughout the movie and shriek-whispering "They're married!!!!"

Screaming at Twitter. I'm already on Plurk so I'm not sure if I could sustain more than one microblogging account. Also I kind of don't know anyone on Twitter. Adf;aj;lfja


razberrycreme January 10 2010, 20:29:15 UTC
DDDDDDD: WHY. WHY. Their priorities must be straightened. ;askjd they live together and everything. Why did he move out again???? :|

Me! Me! :D You know me! ......and your sister, presumably >>


lonelybusiness January 10 2010, 20:35:05 UTC
Their arguments! And by arguments I mean "foreplay." I think Watson moved out because Holmes wouldn't commit to a serious relationship. :| And maybe the dog-drugging. :|||||

Adhljd;fas I guess I know someone now. My sister is so creepily enthusiastic about website accounts. She keeps bugging me to get a Tumblr. It's such a relief that she doesn't find LJ trendy and therefore worthy of her time.

What's your Twitter username? Mine's twitter.com / sofedorable


naruchu January 10 2010, 21:23:31 UTC
I really enjoyed this movie, too!!! I also thought Watson's wife was going to be an evil character... especially when she was standing beside his bed while he was recovering from the explosion? Her eyes looked really dark and sharp. =X

I found the plot 'lacking' in that the resolution of the mystery was a letdown. I think they overused the ~magical properties of new discoveries~, which resulted in uninteresting and too convenient explanations for the incidences. Something that hinged more on manipulation of the situation, which would've required a more interesting use of logic, would've been stronger. Though this didn't detract from my enjoyment much. =X


lonelybusiness January 10 2010, 21:41:48 UTC
Ahaha, thought that about the wife too, at the beginning. XD But I liked it when she threw wine at Holmes's face. I just like Holmes getting pwned a lot. :|

Hmm, I get what you mean, but I thought the "normalizing" of the ~magic~ was the function of many detective stories. Like, Detective Conan uses this a lot. Even Agatha Christie. Which is to say that I took the letdown as part of the "detective story" as a genre and rolled with it. XD


naruchu January 10 2010, 22:11:47 UTC
Oh, I meant that they overused the magic in the explanations. I had/have no knowledge of such chemicals existing at the time... and I doubt most viewers did, so it wasn't really 'normalizing' to learn of them at the end. It was like explaining seemingly magical occurences with more magic.

lol. Holmes. Is there going to be a sequel? A trilogy!


lonelybusiness January 11 2010, 04:42:35 UTC
Ah, I get what you mean now. XDDDD I guess I've read to many detective stories that uses "It's a secret poison from the jungles of the amazon!!!! It's a secret recipe of Egyptian pharaohs!!!" I end up gullible gullible forgiving of those things. But I totally agree, in retrospect.


77ws January 11 2010, 02:01:14 UTC
Hahaha! That Kate Beaton (why do I keep thinking: Cake Beaton, am I hungry for cake? anyway--) that comic panel reminds me of my misguided view of Watson which is sad. I never could remove that image of the character, so in a way I am grateful to the movie for at least helping me change that image.

On the way home we talked about the movie (yet again,) and my take on it was that I liked the movie overall for all the references made to the source material in summary. Like that inspector?policeman? that sided often with Holmes, and quickly reported all the details. Or Holmes' violin (which reminded me of how House was with his Ball-- he looooooooooooves them ballssssssss.--) Ahem.

Anyway, it's funny how for the most part we were also comparing the movie with House M.D.

As a sidenote: House does not need to get punched often. He's already in pain.

P.S. also: not an addict.


lonelybusiness January 11 2010, 04:17:25 UTC
I hope Cake Beaton, if she exists, is made out of chocolate. WATCH THE JEREMY BRETT VERSION, PAO. It's been so long ago but I still harbor warm feelings for the series. Plus his Sherlock Holmes had the face I've that always came to mind when reading the stories.

I think the version is very postmodern (Oh God, I've become that douche who uses that word in normal conversations) in that it references a whole bunch of shit, it also manipulates time and space perception. I really really really liked the dialogue! I think the weakest parts of the movie were those of the secret society, I guess because I missed the double entendres.

Oh, I forgot that about House. I guess taking that into account (pain to asshole ration computation, hrmm...) I would be okay with having House punched in the face every five episodes. :D? :D? :D?

Who is not an addict? I thought that the movie made it very clear about Holmes' tendency towards addiction.


77ws January 11 2010, 04:56:52 UTC
House/Holmes: He's in pain/Just clearly in need of some stimulation because nearly everything is boring.


rainy_takako January 11 2010, 02:10:12 UTC
There should be more comparison with the Holmes movie and House. I approve of this post. I really loved the movie, myself. I was never too aware of the Watson stereotype KB mentions since I don't really know much about the old movies, but I agree with the whole thing about never-finding-Jude-Law-attractive-before-stache thing.


lonelybusiness January 11 2010, 04:24:30 UTC
I did too! Like I said on Plurk I think I was able to fool my original-Holmes brain into believing that this movie was written and directed by the same people who did Gankutsuou. XDDDDDD I mean, if I can roll with the Count of Monte Cristo being blue I can deal with Sherlock Holmes as a boxing champion.

The comparison is kind of inevitable, innit? People would be far happier if they'd only compare Sherlock Holmes to House instead of the other adaptations. It's a much fairer comparison since they're created in the same generation.

I'm eternally sad that Jude Law has turned back into his metrosexual look. :(


kye_kestrel January 11 2010, 13:52:32 UTC
I missed reading these analytical posts of yours. Usually because I'm shallow when it comes to movies and can't possibly string two words together to tell you why I liked it (except maybe "Jude" and "Law" in this case), I end up relying on my more eloquent friends for reviews.

That said, I approve of this post.


lonelybusiness January 12 2010, 04:14:24 UTC
Adjfa;jsdfklasfa that's such a nice thing to say, Maman, thank you! I feel all verklempt. >///<

I think the words you're stringing together should add up to three: "Jude" + "Law" + "stache"


kye_kestrel January 12 2010, 12:17:22 UTC
Or "Jude Law" and "stache"? But yes, such a glaring omission akshdfdfhasd /remedies it

Aaaaaah I wanna watch it again. Just for moustachey Jude Law. >_<)


Re: ♥ lonelybusiness January 12 2010, 16:53:57 UTC

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