Birds and Rodents for Today

May 27, 2013 18:18

Птицы и грызуны на сегодня

12 pictures 12 снимков )

heron, chipmunk, chick, squirrel, baltimore oriole, phoebe, kingfisher, catbird

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Comments 13

litav May 28 2013, 01:28:31 UTC
Глядя на цаплю, вспоминаешь песню Высоцкого:
"На слово "длинношеее" в конце пришлось три "е",
Укоротить поэта, вывод ясен". :))

Бурундучок и белка смешные. :))


lone_pony May 28 2013, 15:16:06 UTC
Должна быть близкой родственницей жирафы. Судя по длине шеи:)

Грызуны всегда забавные, люблю их снимать. Особенно когда они согласны попозировать:)


videodrome84 May 28 2013, 13:26:07 UTC
Love the photo of the jumping squirrel! Your photos are always beautiful!


lone_pony May 28 2013, 15:17:46 UTC
Thank you so much!

I'm glad to hear from you, you were hiding lately:)


videodrome84 June 3 2013, 14:44:03 UTC
I was hibernating for the winter! Kept up with your pictures though! Love them!


lone_pony June 3 2013, 15:32:30 UTC
Thank you!


ladyhappiness May 29 2013, 12:03:42 UTC
Бурундучок лучше всех!


lone_pony May 29 2013, 14:14:07 UTC
Бурундучок всегда лучше всех:) Но мне и зимородок нравится, особенно на последнем снимке, растрепанный:)


pupunia39 May 30 2013, 21:06:56 UTC
Хорошенькие все какие!)))


lone_pony May 30 2013, 23:51:09 UTC


wild_orchid7 May 31 2013, 13:55:53 UTC
Chipmunk is totally adorable, both photos! I'd grab little dude and never let go!! lol

Squirrel is graceful like hell. Must be fresh out of a school of ballet. :)

Small and big birds look lovely, especially one with a funny hair-do. I kind of envy the cute little punk. He doesn't need to deal with stupid hair-dressers, ever! ;)


lone_pony May 31 2013, 19:42:33 UTC
Chipmunk is a cutie:))

Squirrels... you said it all:)

I also like kingfisher, with his big head and crazy hair style:) They are very fast, like lightning, and don't let you come close, I was lucky to make those pictures. It was just one place he was seen from, couple of steps in any directions, and I couldn't see him at all behind bushes and trees, this is why he felt safe:)


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