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Comments 3

Oh sweetie krysalys December 15 2008, 02:09:48 UTC
I'm sorry you missed the mook-ette's recitals, love.
*sporks work*
*huggles you*


Re: Oh sweetie lon_dubh December 15 2008, 02:24:45 UTC
Thanks, darlin'. This time of the year is so bloody insane to begin with, then work has to be extra special stoopid... I've come within inches of quitting at least once a week recently.

Oh, for a real job that allows time for that whole life thing.


Re: Oh sweetie krysalys December 15 2008, 07:42:07 UTC
I'd switch jobs with you except then you'd have to deal with William, and yeah, I don't want you to have to deal with murder charges on top of everything else.

Oh, and check out these two places J found for rent on Craigslist...

For $500/mo, and permission to update the interior, I'd do just about frickin' anything. And dude. Buddhist temple. QUIET PLACE. *falls over in want*


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