Title: Parsimony
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and associates own these characters. I am writing this story for fun and not profit.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Harry/Draco eventually (mostly pre-slash), Ron/Hermione, mentions of Harry/Ginny and unrequited Snape/Lily. Gen relationship between Harry and Snape.
Warnings: Angst, violence, torture, AU after the
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Comments 27
God, I've missed your fic - it's been ages since I've followed one of your WiPs. Got distracted away from ItS, sadly, and never restarted reading it. But this summery just sounded TOO MUCH like me and ALL THE THINGS I LIKE, so I had to read the first about it and the first chapter and skjdfhsdlf your Harry voice here is very very clear. And perfect chapter ending is perfect. Looking forward to more :DD
One thing, though: The wizard reading out the funeral service was a witch The wizard was a witch? O___o
Good thing you got attracted! I'll enjoy you following along if you have the time.
In the books, the word "wizard" is used to talk about people of both sexes occasionally.
Yes, very good thing I do think so :D And I do think I'll have the time now that I've graduated. Even with living in a home that houses two 7 year olds :P
Really? O.o Never something I took notice of, but you learn something new every day. It just sprung out at me as seemingly strange :b
Most fics of this nature tend to down play the horrible things both Snape and Malfoy did and harry seems to instantly be okay with both them.
I mean Snape was a willing Death Eater who only turned because the one person he cared about, albeit, in an extraordinarily creepy and stalkerish manner, got targeted. The torn photo it self just how out of touch with reality Snape was.
The same, though to a slightly lesser degree can be said for Malfoy.
I'm also kind of hoping to see a Hermione who doesn't just up and be okay with Malfoy after teh multitude of his crimes, including the poisioning of the person she loves. Hermione isn't known for forgiving people, creatures yes, but people no.
That will all depend on how close Harry gets to Malfoy. Hermione isn't against putting the past behind them, given that she herself did some nasty things she's still trying to recover from (Memory Charm on her parents, Unforgivable curses).
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