Title: War Leaves No Survivors
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and associates own these characters. I am writing this story for fun and not profit.
Rating: R
Word Count: ~13,700
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Warnings: DH spoilers, but no epilogue; profanity; violence between characters in the pairing; heavy angst; slash sex.
Summary: If Harry and Draco are going
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Comments 6
The anger and lashing out was so much more credible here than hesitant touches or kind words because softness never would have penetrated all those layers.
Enjoyed this a great deal and I mostly love the fascinating way your characters work things out in their heads and hearts as they embark on complex journeys toward each other.
I often don't have a very good sense of what the "right" gendered behavior is and what isn't. I've written women that come across as too masculine or too feminine, and the same thing with men. But it did seem that Harry and Draco as they're developing from canon would probably go for fights and screaming and sex and flying over quiet talks.
I'm really enjoying your take on the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry's emotions are exactly how I would imagine him to feel - especially feeling like his own pain is not valid.
I wondered about that at the end of the book, because I had really expected Harry to face Voldemort in a bloody battle, or, failing that, to kill at least one person. But he didn't. I wondered how he would react to that.
This was so poignant and sad and emotional - brought spontaneous tears to my eyes.
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