Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?
A/N: Make what you will of the following. . . this chapter is unbetaed!
Rose stifled a yawn and laid her head back against the sofa. Her eyes followed the Doctor as he wandered the room endlessly talking to what seemed to be an unmeasurable sea of people. His people. She smiled at that thought remembering very well how wounded and lonely he had been when she met him. She watched him now with the realization he seemed more content and dare she say it, more complete now than he ha at any time she could recall from their past time together.
It wasn't me he needed, she thought, it was them all along. But of course how could a stupid ape who would only live a small fraction of his lifetime ever hope to come close to offering the same level of true companionship to the Doctor that the Time Lords themselves could offer him?
Rose was suddenly very awake with the self consciousness, feeling very out of place and every bit the inferior being she knew she was in a roomful of Time Lords. She felt an urge to leave this room, and return to her own in the TARDIS and once there she knew she would have to decide what her future, if any, would be with the Doctor.
When she was about to get up and begin weaving her way out of the room, Rose felt like someone was watching her. Her eyes immediately looked for the Doctor but it wasn't him as his back was currently to her. She searched the room until she found the two pairs of eyes belonging to Romana and her bodyguard staring back at her. Leela was the name of the bodyguard, and when they had been introduced she had been told that Leela too once had traveled with the Doctor as well.
It was apparent to Rose that besides being her bodyguard Leela was also Romana's friend as the two women were clearly locked in conversation as they watched her. She didn't think it could be possible to feel anymore self conscious than she already felt but staring into the eyes of the Time Lords' most powerful leader did the trick.
The need to leave the room became even more urgent.
“Rose?” Romana's soft voice startled Rose as she had not seen her cross the room in the split second it had taken to get up. “There is something I need to speak to you about in privacy.”
After a quick glance in the Doctor's direction Rose nodded, “All right.” She followed Romana through the gathered Time Lords, as easier task when one was following the Lord President out the door since the crowd parted respectfully before her. Once they were outside, Romana's familiarity with the TARDIS was displayed as she led them through several corridors until they had reached a library Rose couldn't remember having been in before.
Rose waited for Romana to sit down before sitting down herself, taking the easy chair beside the one the other woman had chosen. “So what d'you want to talk to me about?”