I will link all my "Coda" related posts together through this master post of sorts.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Coda
By Lomeinie
Rating: PG/PG-13ish
Spoilers: Through "All the Time In the World", the series finale - though this is VERY AU
Summary: This is a different telling and spin on how things should have ended in the Alias universe in which I attempt to address certain requirements... in other words Jack lives while several others don't.
Disclaimers: I don't own "Alias" or any of its characters as it belongs to JJ Abrams, Bad Robot Productions, and ABC Network. I have made no money off of this fanfic and I ask not to be sued for writing this!
Author’s Note(s): Written for brenda_wood for the "Dearly Departed" Alias Ficathon with the following required elements:
Characters to resurrect: Jack
1) Jack/Syd reunion
2) Answers to Prophet V and Rambaldi’s endgame
3) Romance for Jack
I am going to do my best to fulfill all of the elements here though coming up with something to explain Prophet V and Rambaldi’s endgame will be difficult as I never really gave either much thought.