Kiku coughed, trying to clear his lungs a bit. He couldn't really smell the smoke, but he could somewhat taste it, and waving in front of his face was doing little to make it dissipate. It wasn't tobacco smoke, but...he couldn't quite place what it was.
"Uhn..?" came his eloquent reply to the sudden question as he tried to clear the tears welling in his eyes. He coughed again. "Beg your pardon...?"
Sindre gestured at the smoke-being surrounding him. "The person in the smoke," he said. "The one you're waving your hand through. I can see it too."
He tilted his head at it, examining it carefully. "I'm afraid I don't know what it is--I've never seen anything like it. Do you happen to know?" he added, honestly curious.
He shook his head, not understanding. "At first I thought it may have been cigarette smoke, but now I wonder more at exhaust. I'm a little worried about the air pollution lately." A hand waved vaguely though the haze to capitalize on that point. He really wished they sold face masks in this country...
Frowning a bit, Sindre shook his head. "Look," he pointed out. "It's just around you. And it has been with you at least as long as it would take for me to reach you; if it were normal smoke or pollution, it would have dissipated by now."
Hesitantly, Sindre offered, "You don't have to worry about me saying anything to anyone, or thinking you're going crazy."
Comments 16
"Uhn..?" came his eloquent reply to the sudden question as he tried to clear the tears welling in his eyes. He coughed again. "Beg your pardon...?"
He tilted his head at it, examining it carefully. "I'm afraid I don't know what it is--I've never seen anything like it. Do you happen to know?" he added, honestly curious.
He shook his head, not understanding. "At first I thought it may have been cigarette smoke, but now I wonder more at exhaust. I'm a little worried about the air pollution lately." A hand waved vaguely though the haze to capitalize on that point. He really wished they sold face masks in this country...
Hesitantly, Sindre offered, "You don't have to worry about me saying anything to anyone, or thinking you're going crazy."
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