Paramount Employee: [speaking into his lapel] Watch out!... No. We're in the clear. That one managed to walk past. Oh, no! Where did that kid come from? Too late, the kid has seen Rick, and he's turned the charm on full! She's goin' in!
Mother: Oh, my God! Richard Dean Anderson. I love MacGyver! Ummm... We love MacGyver, don't we, Honey!
Father: [dutifully] Yes, although the candlestick defibrillator was--
Mother: This is my daughter, Brittany! Say "Hi!" to Mr. Anderson, Britty!
RDA: [to the kid] Call me Rick.
Father: [whispered] Dear, close your mouth! You're drooling! [aloud] Come along, Brit, time to let Mr. Anderson meet some of the other people.
Paramount Employee: [again addressing his lapel] Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! He's not letting go! Bring in the distraction!puppy! Now! Now! Now!
[Paramount intern rushes in with an Australian Shepard pup, an adorable bundle of white, black, and tan fluff]
Paramount Intern: Mr. Anderson? Rick? Rick? RICK? Look what I've got!
Comments 9
Mother: Oh, my God! Richard Dean Anderson. I love MacGyver! Ummm... We love MacGyver, don't we, Honey!
Father: [dutifully] Yes, although the candlestick defibrillator was--
Mother: This is my daughter, Brittany! Say "Hi!" to Mr. Anderson, Britty!
RDA: [to the kid] Call me Rick.
Father: [whispered] Dear, close your mouth! You're drooling! [aloud] Come along, Brit, time to let Mr. Anderson meet some of the other people.
Paramount Employee: [again addressing his lapel] Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! He's not letting go! Bring in the distraction!puppy! Now! Now! Now!
[Paramount intern rushes in with an Australian Shepard pup, an adorable bundle of white, black, and tan fluff]
Paramount Intern: Mr. Anderson? Rick? Rick? RICK? Look what I've got!
Rick: Oooh, puppy! Can ( ... )
Kewt, and probably true, lol.
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