So I'm heading to visit Juho after I have posted this and I will not be home till tomorrow morning... Or maybe later...
But that has nothing to do with this.
I was bored yesterday (and I'm still bored) So at My friends place I deccided to draw some sketch I could paint afterwards.
Yesterday I finished making easel at school and I wanted to test it out so this is wht you get.
So this is the sketch I made...
And I started to work on it, and with my illuminated desk (Which I have made too) and this is what came to be..
And Now to the fun part! I CHALLENGE YOU To draw and/or color your own scene where is Slade and robin! Or you can borrow my pic and color it! Have fun people!
You don't need to be all that good to try out, but if you do, please tell me, or sent me a link to your pic so I can see it too, I'd love to see some :DDD
I reyed to color one too with just normal colored pencils but Everyone knows that I just suck coloring with them and I was too bored to make thirth one with ink so I just decided to paint one.
So This is my final, and it ended up pretty well after all...
REMEMBER! It's style free!