Thu, 12:50: RT @ abbygoodnough: From my Louisville series: lots of new Medicaid enrollees seeking mental health care. Long waits for appointments. http
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Wed, 13:16: RT @ Salon: There's no way to know how many people are shot and killed by police each year. How the cops get away with it:…
Sun, 12:45: Nobody knows how many people have been killed by law enforcement. One researcher thinks this gap is intentional.
Sun, 13:05: RT @ LilianaSegura: This makes me sick. Imagine being the parent that must try to shield their kids from seeing a corpse left by police. htt…
Fri, 13:19: RT @ PoliticaILine: . @ ZerlinaMaxwell any minute now Mississippi police will arrive in riot gear to tell Planned Parenthood protesters to ke…