Welcome to our eighth prompt post.
As ususal, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real
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Alastair makes Peter dress as a maid and dust the lowest shelves, etc. He then gropes him and chases him around the whole house, pulling his clothes off as he tries to catch him. Then pins him down and ravishes him on the staircase. (Or if that's too much, without the costume.)
And just all the little details - like the hair on Peter's arms - sometimes he is feminised so much we forget that he's most definately a man. Thank you! *sprinkles authoranon with Christmassy sparkles*
You're not a Fortuyn!fic authoranon, are you? That was my first though when I read the prompt... :P
captcha: anal Garetson
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