Welcome to our eighth prompt post.
As ususal, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real
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Who sends what and who sends out cards with pictures of themself and someone else? (Maybe even accidentally).
George totally does that thing where he sends Peter a Christmas card signed "lots of love, George, xxx" and hopes Peter will think it's a mistake from writing cards on auto-pilot. But Peter knows...
DCam has planned a whole elaborate 12 days of Christmas-style set of presents for Nick, starting with platinum cuff links and working up from there. Nick in true 'we're not best mates' style has got him a box of Quality Street
and David is going to be very brave and noble and be all "that's fine, Nick, really, they're lovely chocolates, I love those green triangles. You let Simon Hughes take all the green triangles? Well, of course, of course, if that's what it takes to keep this coalition going..." and then lock himself in the bathroom for half an hour and come out not at all looking like he's been crying, of course not...
But Nick realises what he's done and makes it up to him. y/y?
Please,somebody write this and cheer David up somehow!
(Umm, sorry, hope that's not a prompt-jack? Apologies to OP if it is!)
Why did I get a lump in my throat thinking about a totally made-up character in a totally made-up prompt? Oh meme, what are you doing to me...
But then, I've been on the end of aggressive gift-giving before and am all too familiar with the panicked and slightly guilty 'Oh shit, what does he want for this? Doesn't he pester me enough already? Leave me alone!' train of thought it sets off.
But then, anon doubts that DCam is a creepy/needy stalker, & will just have to follow any fills to this prompt with caution.
Because I've been in the position of completely misreading a relationship and suffering not just the embarrassment of misjudging a gift (though in my case it was birthday rather than Christmas) but also ending up in tears when the boyfriend with whom I'd thought was in a steady relationship made it very clear to me that as far as he was concerned we had been no more than casual fuck-buddies and that he was very annoyed and angry at my gift. Which led to a rather spectacular break-up...
So I suppose I had automatically sympathised with DCam's side of things and never considered Nick's reaction. And... yes, I can see that Nick might be really upset... except that this is meme-land, where we just know that Nick and DCam should end up together!*g*
besides, I hate the thought of anyone crying alone in the toilets when they'd only wanted to make someone happy.
I could so read a fic like this as with my tin hat on I can so picture D Cam being all noble and dignified and for the coalition on the outside whilst breaking/ wanting nick for himself on the inside but not wanting to let Nick see, and Nick been oblivious. (And D Cam binge eating the chocolates)
Then someone letting Nick know the real situation and him been eaten up by guilt before sweeping D Cam of his feet.
It was supposed to be fluffy but the angst just crept in somehow. But hey, it's got a (sort of) fluffy ending!
Christmas Is A Time For Giving“Happy Christmas, Nick ( ... )
This is all I could possibly have wanted from my ramblings about coalition gifts and I look forward to the rest!
A cold but happy anon.
And I'm happy that you like what I did with your prompt!
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