Hi babes,
A very big thank you for your purchase of contact lens, here are some basic guidelines to follow for those of you who are first time users or are unfamiliar on how to maintain and take care of your lenses.
How to store/clean/disinfect your lens:
1) For newly opened lens, pls remember to soak them for at least 6-8 hours in your usual saline/multipurpose solution before you start to wear them. Reason for this is because there may be protein build-up or other chemicals forming due to long storage of the lens in the glass bottles from manufacturing date. So, this is a very IMPT step that shouldn't be missed out.
2) Store them in clean contact lens cases when not in use and remember to change the saline/multipurpose solution daily to keep from bacteria/dust/build up etc.
3) As these are yearly lens, you may wish to soak your lens with protein tablets once a week or once a fortnight, depending on how often you use them, protein tablets can be purchased from any optical shops in Singapore, please consult the opticians for the brands that you should use and guidelines on how to use the protein tablets.
4) All other common factors like using clean hands, using non-expired solution etc.. applies.
How to apply and remove your lens:
1) You can check out the video clips here: used the acuvue video clips cuz i feel they clearly demonstrates the procedures very well and their guidelines are the same for all brands)
Other things to take note of:
1) It is not advisable to wear these big eye lens for more than 8 hours per usage as they may cause your eyes to be dry and tired if used longer than 8 hours.
2) If you have sensitive eyes, it is not advisable to wear contact lens at all.
3) If any irritations occur when using the lens, pls remove them immediately, usage of these lens should be comfortable, the reasons why your eyes respond negatively could be due to many factors like wearing them the wrong side up, handling them with dirty hands, not rinsing them cleanly and many other reasons.
4) If discomfort occurs before 1 year is up, do discard the lenses as it may mean that proper maintenance and care were not exercised which leads to major bacteria/protein build up.
5) After 1 year, even if you are still comfortable with the lens, pls discard them.
First-time users:
I've attached a file that has very useful information for first-time contact lens users, pls read :)
Just to share, i'm currently using the multipurpose solution ALCON, it doesn't give me any problems and i've been using it for the past few months too, if you're clueless on which brand to buy, maybe you can try this brand.