LOST Season Finales {picspam}

Sep 22, 2010 10:57

Let's all just take a moment to remember all the amazing season finales of Lost, shall we?
Surprise, twist, shock, mind blowing cliffhangers. That's what you can find in every ending of this show.

#6 | Season 1 | Exodus

JACK: Who's coming?
DANIELLE: The others. You have only 3 choices -- run, hide, or die.

JACK: Brought here? And who brought us here, John?
LOCKE: The island. The island brought us here. This is no ordinary place, you've seen that, I know you have. But the island chose you, too, Jack. It's destiny.

JACK: I don't believe in destiny.
LOCKE: Yes, you do. You just don't know it yet.

#5 | Season 2 | Live Together, Die Alone

PENNY: Desmond, what are you running from?
DESMOND: I have to get my honor back, and that's what I'm running to.

DESMOND: The island -- when did you come here? How long ago? The date -- what was the date?
LOCKE: September 22nd. It was September 22nd.
DESMOND: I think I crashed your plane.

PENNY: All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you. Always. I love you.
DESMOND [turning the key]: I love you, Penny.

HENRY GALE: We're the good guys, Michael.

#4 | Season 3 | Through the Looking Glass

BEN: Let me ask you something, Jack. Why do you wanna leave the Island? What is it that you so desperately want to get back to? You have no-one. Your father's dead, your wife left you, moved on with another man. Can you just not wait to get back to the hospital? Get back to fixing things? It's twenty seconds now. Just get me the phone, Jack.
NAOMI: What's your boyfriend's name? The rock star who swam down to the station?
CLAIRE: Charlie, why?
NAOMI: Charlie just got us rescued.

JACK: I'm one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Can you get a fix on our location?

JACK: Because I wanted to crash, Kate. I don't care about anybody else on board. Every little bump we hit or turbulence, I mean I, I actually close my eyes and I pray that I can get back.

JACK: We were not supposed to leave.
KATE: Yes we were. Goodbye, Jack.
JACK: We have to go back, Kate. We have to go back!

#3 | Season 4 | There's No Place Like Home

KATE: I've spent the last three years trying to forget all the horrible things that happened on the day that we left. How dare you ask me to go back?

LOCKE: You know, Jack. You know  that you're here for a reason. You know it. And if you leave... this place... that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out... until you decide to come back.

LOCKE: You're gonna have to lie.
JACK: Excuse me?
LOCKE: If you... have to go... then you have to lie about everything. Everything that happened since we got to the Island. It's the only way to protect it.
JACK: It's an island, John. No one needs to protect it!
LOCKE: It's not an island... it's a place where miracles happen. And if you don't believe that, Jack, if you can't believe that... just wait till you see what I'm about to do.
JACK: There's no such thing as miracles.
LOCKE: Well... we'll just have to see which one of us is right.

LOCKE: Lie to them, Jack. If you do it half as well as you lie to yourself, they'll believe you.

HURLEY: Locke... he moved the Island.
JACK: No, he didn't.
HURLEY: Oh really? 'Cause... one minute it was there and the next it was gone. So... unless we like, overlooked it, dude, that's exactly what he did.... but if you got another explanation, man, I'd love to hear it.

BEN: All of you have to go back. I said all of you. We're gonna have to bring him too.

#2 | Season 5 | The Incident

MIB: I don't have to ask. You brought them here. Still trying to prove me wrong, aren't you?
JACOB: You are wrong.
MIB: Am I? They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.
JACOB: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress.
MIB: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
MIB: One of these days, sooner or later... I'm going to find a loophole, my friend.
JACOB: Well, when you do, I'll be right here.
MIB: Always nice talking to you, Jacob.
JACOB: Nice talking to you, too.

BERNARD: So we die. We just care about being together. That's all that matters in the end.

JACK: Three years ago, Locke told me that all this was happening for a reason, that us being here was our destiny.
SAWYER: I don't speak "destiny". What I do understand is a man does what he does 'cause he wants something for himself. What do you want, Jack?
JACK: I had her. I had her, and I lost her.

SAWYER: Don't you leave me.
JULIET: It's okay.
SAWYER: Don't you leave me! You hold on!
JULIET: I love you.
SAWYER: No, you don't let go!
JULIET: I love you, James.
SAWYER: Don't let go.
JULIET: I love you so much.

BEN: Oh... so now, after all this time, you've decided to stop ignoring me. Thirty-five years I lived on this island, and all I ever heard was your name over and over. Richard would bring me your instructions--all those slips of paper, all those lists--and I never questioned anything. I did as I was told. But when I dared to ask to see you myself, I was told, "You have to wait. You have to be patient." But when he asked to see you? He gets marched straight up here as if was Moses. So... why him? Hmm? What was it that was so wrong with me? What about me?
JACOB: What about you?

#1 | Season 6 | The End

DESMOND: This doesn't matter, you know.
JACK: Excuse me?
DESMOND: Him destroying the island, you destroying him. It doesn't matter. You know, you're gonna lower me into that light, and I'm gonna go somewhere else. A place where we can be with the ones we love, and not have to ever think about this damn island again. And you know the best part, Jack?
JACK: What?
DESMOND: You're in this place. You know, we sat next to each other on Oceanic 815. It never crashed. We spoke to each other. You seemed happy. You know, maybe I can find a way to bring you there too.

KATE: I saved you a bullet!

LOCKE: Jack...I hope that somebody does for you what you just did for me.

BEN: I'm very sorry for what I did to you John. I was selfish, jealous. I wanted everything you had.
LOCKE: What did I have?
BEN: You were special, John... and I wasn't.
LOCKE: Well if it helps, Ben, I forgive you.
BEN: Thank you, John...that does help. It matters more than I can say.

CHRISTIAN: This is the place that you...that you all made together, so that you could find one another. The most...important part of your life, was the time that you spent with these people. That's why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone Jack. You needed all of them, and they needed you.
JACK: For what?
CHRISTIAN: To remember...and to...let go.

Jack stares up through the swaying bamboo and hears something else. Distant. Up in the sky. And then he sees the Ajira plane climb higher and higher. Jack watches as it flies away. He smiles. The plane is gone, finally free of the island.

Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love. And been loved. And he has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky. And Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone.

The end.

Screencaps: lost-media.com
Transcripts: lost-tv.com / lostpedia.com

tv: lost, picspam

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