Terry Pratchett: Tiffany Aching series

Feb 04, 2013 20:53

This is less an actual book review, and more a story of my life, and why these books were written JUST FOR ME. It covers The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, and maybe the first 2/3 of Wintersmith. Argh, scratch that, looking at the time and the amount of stuff I still need to do today, AHFoS will have to get a separate post.

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Comments 1

se_parsons February 10 2013, 23:09:58 UTC
I wept and wept over those books for the same reason. I, too, had a magical grandmother who could call birds out of the sky and heal the hurts of small animals and let them go again. She could also tell fortunes accurately and kept a very, very strong willed family mostly in line.

The world is as lesser place without her in it, even if some of us are trying to fill the shoes. I feel so much like Tiffany sometimes.


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