
Jun 30, 2008 14:16

Link via ithiliana: Someone is *still* biased on the internet.

I had to get my two cents in. (I can't believe I'm wasting time on this crap! My time is precious!):( Read more... )

someone is wrong on the internet, gender

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Comments 4

logodaedaly June 30 2008, 21:03:43 UTC
You just articulated something that has frustrated the hell out of me about anti-feminists for a long time. We live in an age where there has been unprecedented movement in our cultural assumptions about what women are and are capable of, mostly because women defied the old, stupid assumptions. So why in the world would anyone at this stage in history assume at first blush that any given gender difference was biologically inherent, given what we know about the last couple centuries?

Anyhow, it's clear that some privileging of female experience is necessary (some men assume too much about their ability to imagine female experience), but you're right that the converse tendency, to act like women's experience is some kind of cipher from which men can't learn anything about them and our common humanity, is pretty dumb.


coffeeandink June 30 2008, 21:50:55 UTC
I refuse to return to that site for fear I will lose all of my lower-case letters.


cryptoxin June 30 2008, 22:57:24 UTC
As a result, you really can't go wrong by approaching social interactions with women as if they were social interactions with human beings.

I think I love this line the most, but it's a tough call.


mswyrr July 3 2008, 01:25:02 UTC
I've stopped vising the OB site, because it became a kind of sinkhole of time and emotional energy, but I'm really glad that their stupidity inspired this lovely, smart post.

Like others here, I particularly liked these two quotes:

As a result, you really can't go wrong by approaching social interactions with women as if they were social interactions with human beings.

Gender and sex are far more useful retrospectively than prospectively.

But the whole thing was great. Thank you so much for being awesome. :)


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