
Nov 14, 2007 22:40

Tell me I'm not the only person who hasn't started their Yuletide story yet!

(Still reviewing the source material....)


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Comments 9

k2daisy November 15 2007, 04:41:51 UTC
Hell no, sister. I am 20+ hours of source material behind.


p_zeitgeist November 15 2007, 04:44:09 UTC
That would depend on what the meaning of the word "started" is.

Eeeek! Does this mean everyone else has?


loligo November 15 2007, 14:37:07 UTC
I count at least three people on my flist who are finished or nearly finished with first drafts, so I was starting to feel like a bit of a slacker!


vaznetti November 15 2007, 13:26:00 UTC
Does half a page of scribbled notes count? Because I am still left with the problem that I do not know the answer to the most important plot-related question in the story.


nestra November 15 2007, 13:55:01 UTC
Nope! (I'm, uh, reviewing source material. Right.)


deejay November 15 2007, 14:37:19 UTC
I have it all plotted out, but since the series is ongoing with new eps weekly, I figured I would wait as long as I could to avoid canon conflicts. =P


Re: loligo November 15 2007, 14:44:41 UTC
Okay, you get a free procrastination pass for that one. *g*


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