you do realise you wrote a lot but didn't really hit on whats going on? Clue me in sometime. Did you get my comment on xanga? You know I care, and i'll listen. Should I send your christmas card to a different address? Im sorry that you're going through all this right now. And I know how much you hate the winter. I get the same way in winter. Anyway, what im really trying to say is that I hope you're okay.
I don't know if you wrote that poem but I truly loved it. Favorite line:
it happens like this when
silence and snow fall in equal measure
It was straight to the point but still written in a beautiful way. Also, Scrubs is fucking hlarious. Puts me in a happy mood as well, at least temporarily.
Sara--yeah I said somewhere in there that if someone I know really well wants to know what happened I'll tell them. So I'll tell you if you e-mail me. As far as sending me stuff, I'll just be moving upstairs, so it'd be the same addy you have but Apt B instead of A. I left a comment on Xanga and added you to my Y messenger list.
Thanks for caring sweetie, I'm just trying not to bring others down with this--especially since things are going so well for so many people right now--don't want to ruin their fun and happiness.
Hi -- just wanted to let you know I am inviting all members of livepoets to submit one poem for an ezine of poems that have developed in the workshop. See this thread if you'd like more info. Thanks for your time!
Comments 8
it happens like this when
silence and snow fall in equal measure
It was straight to the point but still written in a beautiful way. Also, Scrubs is fucking hlarious. Puts me in a happy mood as well, at least temporarily.
Thanks for caring sweetie, I'm just trying not to bring others down with this--especially since things are going so well for so many people right now--don't want to ruin their fun and happiness.
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