Title: And You Are? - ‘Jack’s Thoughts: Drabble VII
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood: Children of Earth
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies, the BBC, and other persons or entities own all things Torchwood. I own nothing and make no money from it.
Summary: Jack's thoughts
First in the series:
Drabble I: Don’t “Are you Captain Jack Harkness?
“I’ve answered to that name before. And you are?”
“Well, yeah, there’s a funny story with that, actually. Do you have a few minutes? I can explain.”
“I’m not sure. You haven’t told me your name, yet.”
“Excuse me, Sir, are you my Daddy? Because Father’s shown me his pictures and you look just like him.”
“You have a Daddy and a Father. Where’s your mother?”
“Johnny, I need you to go back to the playground while we talk. What did you say your name is?”
“Jones, Ianto Jones.”
Drabble VIII: What Ianto Says, Part I