One of the things I've been wanting to do more is write about the process of vidding. Lately I've been thinking about the various (productive and/or descuctive) tensions that come into play as I vid, as I filter through my various influences and creative impulses, and then revise and critique. I think quite a bit about who I'm vidding for--whether
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Comments 23
You have to ask yourself whether you're in it primarily to entertain others, or if you're in it to see your own vision come to life. Sometimes the two coincide, and sometimes they don't.
But on the other hand, is the visual of someone's moving mouth inherently aesthetically problematic?
It's a rule that bothers me when it's followed to an exact T, because vids can come out flat and resembling still images if we get closed-mouthed clip after clip.
But sometimes talky face can be distracting, and sometimes it can't. It's especially true in fanvids because no matter how we might manipulate footage, certain scenes will take us back to what's happening in the scene we've pulled a clip from, and (for me) talky face tends to exacerbate that. On the other hand, talky face can also be USED. I've made vids where I used talky face on purpose, and it wound up working.
... do others face these unclear moments, where they're not sure what audience to create ( ... )
Now...when it comes to fics......
Well, actually, that's how I know I'm done with a fic, too. When I no longer care to craft it anymore, when other's opinion of it doesn't matter anymore, when all that matters is I wrote it, I like it, and I'm done with it. That's when I'm done.
Re: If I make something that works for me, but not for others, what's the value of that?That's the only value. That's the risk we take. We put time and effort into it, hoping someone else will like it, but, in the end, if it was only us who found value in it, then that was what really mattered. I've found, frankly, that as much as I adore feedback, there can never be "enough" to make me feel validated. I am always wanting more. It's only when I realize that there isnt' ( ... )
But I'm not surprised that it's similar!
When I no longer care to craft it anymore.
That's so interesting! I don't think I let myself feel that space--I get too obsessed with thinking about how it's being received and what I can change and fix. I enjoy vidding right up to the point where it's getting close to being ready to release, and then I go a little crazy. I'm desperately wanting to change this about my process. I'd like to just stop when I don't want to do more with it. Or when I feel good about it. There are definitely several instances where I've felt good about something, but kept pushing at it, and the good feeling drains away and I lose sight of what I was going for in the first place. I want to avoid that for the future!
But I know that you write and rewrite and angst about it too. So how do you really identify where that place is, when you no longer care to craft it?
Letting go of control--that's what it comes down to, isn't it? Never an easy thing for me! :D
i think part of my dislike stems from my dislike of dubbing in tv shows/movies. now, i grew up with dubbed everything, but i have since grown to dislike it because the dialogue and the movements of the mouth don't synch up and it drives me insane.
But why does the matching of image and sound need to be so literal--scream/scream--or those couple of brilliant moments in Whatever? I mean, I agree that that type of matching can be quite effective, but can't we also free ourselves from such literal alignments? I find it so limiting if we don't! Because otherwise we're stuck with only a certain set of/style of imagery, in SPN especially--it's all mopey looking Sam and Dean, and occasionally Castiel, emoting Super Emo. The little moments are few and far between, if you cut out all talking.
And again, the raw quality, the jump cuts, was a choice to me, not carelessness. I mean, it was you, and I know how much thought you put into things, and it clearly held together that way.
I guess I think rules are made to be broken if you come up with the reason why.
As far as when things are "done"? I struggle with this too. I really agree with what rhiannonhero said -- I'm starting to realize that there is no "enough" when it comes to external validation. I want to get to where if I like it I'm happy. On the way, I'm aiming for: if you get it, if S gets it, or aesc or 22 -- that's enough. That's what I'm aiming for.
I agree it kind of depends who you are vidding for. If you want your vid to be accessible and approachable to the many, then rules (though still preferably treated as guidelines) can be very helpful. But I personally believe there IS inherent value in vidding for yourself and I love that you chose the messy but ephemerally better version. It was the riskier and more gutsy choice--go you!
Yes, I would say this is a central meaning crisis I face in vidding. I went through a vidding depression where I really bought into all these bullshit rules and I made some vids I really don't like all that much. Then I worked out that it was because I'd suddenly started vidding for other people, not me. Now there's absolutely nothing wrong with that and sometimes I see song + idea = perfect for a particular fandom and go for it in terms of just wanting to bring some people joy. But I'm happiest when I'm vidding for my own heart and when I'm judging the vid by my terms ( ... )
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