Title: Fifty Shades Weirder
Summary: Follow-up to
Fifty Shades of Sammy. The Trickster has dropped the boys into Fifty Shades of Grey. This is Ana's POV on Sam and Dean as they struggle to act out the roles of Christian and Taylor.
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, Ana Very one-sided Christian(Sam)/Ana
Rating: PG-13 for language
Genre: parody,
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Comments 28
*goes off in giggles again* Watching Sam and Dean try to deal with this all through the eyes of clueless, bewildered Ana is wonderful. I wouldn't complain if this turned into a trilogy too. *hinthint*
The thing is... the porn isn't that great either. It's the same thing over and over again.
He touched me 'down there' and I exploded around him.
Yep, she actually uses the wording down there. You can't make this stuff up. I don't know what makes it so popular. For me it was curiousity and then the 'train wreck effect'. I couldn't look away.
"It occurs to me that the man would make a horrible actor." :D
The only thing I can think of to say about this is it is so bad it is sheer brilliance.
I do mean that as a compliment so please take it that way.
honestly what's sad is that it didn't take much effort or original thought to lampoon the original. This is pretty much how the story reads. I didn't have to crack it up much at all.
Thanks for boiling it down to a handful of paragraphs so I don't have to subject myself to the entire thing! And Sam's complete lack of interest in the proceedings, and Dean's *fell on a mine*...my god. Comic genius. Pure gold.
Yeah, I took one for the team ;) Because, quite honestly, this is it. I didn't even exaggerate it much. I really didn't.
You however, made it worth the laughs I got out of your fic!
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