Whatever Lola wants ...

Feb 25, 2020 19:29

Lola Branstone
Character Biography

Character's Name: Eleanor "Lola" Abigail Branstone
Age: 22
Birthdate: March 21, 1983

Family background: Lola is from a middle class pureblood family. Her immediate and extended family reside in a teeny wizarding village on the coast of Devon. Clovelly is privately owned by the vast array of Branstones and others that have married into the family.
Lola is the oldest child born to Faith and Harley Branstone - her mother a nurse, her father an Auror. Lola's little brother, Conner, was born in the winter of 2000 and is over 17 years younger than her. He was something of a surprise for the whole family.

House in School: Hufflepuff (Lola asserts that being loyal and hard-working does not mean she can't tell you to fuck off if you're being an arse)
Bloodline: Pureblood. Lola grew up around wizards, pureblood and otherwise, but it wasn't something that her family ever thought was important. Lola's views tend towards feeling bad for Muggles because they don't have magic. She can't imagine anything worse. Magic is like living poetry in your very soul.
Political Views: "None of your fucking business."

Visual Representation: Becky Lou Filip
Description: Lola has dark brown hair and big bright blue eyes. She's petite of frame and height (pushing past 5' only when she's in her pointe slippers), and has a moonlight pale complexion. She looks a bit like the fey for which her parents always said she was spawned from - on the Spring Equinox.

Sexuality: Lola is an equal opportunity snogger. Beyond that, she generally likes men very much.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: Lola is a fierce friend, loyal to those she's chosen to care about to the bitter end. She's dedicated and focused to the things that have caught her passion. Lola loves with all she has.
Weaknesses: Lola is mouthy. She almost always talks before she thinks, and has the unladylike habit of swearing like a sailor. (Lola asserts that she did grow up around a lot of sailors, and that if someone has a problem with her saying 'fuck' .. well, they can just fuck off. *smiles sweetly*) She's incredibly stubborn and just a tad too competitive at times.
Habits\Quirks: Lola has a quick temper and tends to throw things when it is caught. It's just as quick to abate though. She's usually in some kind of ballet wear as she doesn't see the point in changing if she just has more classes and rehearsals to go to.
Likes\Dislikes: When she was little, she got into fights with the village kids a lot and enjoyed it more than she should have. She LOVES ballet. It's currently her only zen escape from her own feisty personality. She likes to bake, but not cook, and knit, but not sew. She hates brussel sprouts and fish totally creep her out.

Occupation: Lola is a professional soloist ballerina for The Royal Ballet in London, though she has yet to make principal in any productions.
Financial Status: Lola's comfortable. She makes enough to live where she wants, and a few extras, but nothing frivolous.
Residence: Spring Cottage - a dilapidated little thing in Clovelly near the rest of her family. It's a not in the main village, and Lola appreciates the bit of quiet she gets because of that.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time:

Lola was sorted into Hufflepuff at Hogwarts three years behind Harry Potter. She tried out for the beater position on her house team her second year despite the "are you sure you're big enough to pick up the bat?" jokes. She didn't make it, but she did get a good bludger shot at the Chaser that had made fun of her. He limped for a week. She was very smug.

Her parents had put her in ballet as a child to try and keep her out of trouble; it worked perfectly. Lola took to ballet like a fish to water (She hates that saying. Fish are creepy.), and continued her studies even while in Hogwarts. Her parents arranged for her to attend classes in London a few times a week, and on weekends, with the school.

She worked hard in everything she did, though academia was never something she particularly enjoyed. She got passing marks, but without the support of some passion for the subjects to go with it, they stayed at intermediate level. Lola joined Dumbledore's Army, and had a passion to be an Auror when she graduated. However, her marks in some subjects caused the scale to rely heavily on her entry exams into the program, but she just didn't have the physical strength to pass their Wandless Combat tests. She did, however, give a few good black eyes (and received them) and ended that particular dream with a smile.

Lola has always danced. Almost immediately after graduating from Hogwarts (and not making it into the Auror program, like her Papa), Lola was accepted as a corps dancer into The Royal Ballet where she had been studying for the past several years.

She works hard and plays hard. The former has resulted in her becoming a soloist at her company, the latter resulting in a very interesting social life. She's currently trying very hard to make principal, though she's not really tall enough to be ideal for that position (or professional ballet in general). But she's survived against the odds so far, and she's determined to beat them.

Elsewise, Lola likes to spend her free time with friends. She loves to go out dancing (something to get a break from the gruelling hours of ballet), play a pick up game of Quidditch, or just lay around with her people. She spends a good amount of time with her family, though she does enjoy getting away from them, too.

Thus why she bought a cottage that was removed from the rest of the village and her extended family. It does need a bit of work, though, but she loves its little dilapidated state. She actually doesn't like being alone either, and is currently contemplating a roommate. Or a dog. She's kind of picky.

character bio

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