Media: Fic
Type: One-shot (
Masterpost (all parts))
Title: Text Me a Happy New Year
lola_mejorWord Count: ~11,000 (whoa) - but that's total. LJ's RETARDED formatting and weird size limits means it's in parts
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, crack, angst, humor, romance, partridge in a pear tree
Pairings: Klaine
Spoilers: Nope... well kinda for speculation on a spoiler that turned out to not be true so it’s not even worth mentioning cos if you don’t know it, you won’t get it!
Warning: The entire thing is in text message form... forewarned is forearmed?
Disclaimer: I hacked the fictional text messages of fictional characters that don’t belong to me. Mea culpa.
Summary: No internet and no Kurt for over a week? Thank god for cell-phones. (Or: the one were Blaine goes away with his extended family every holiday season and 2011/2012 is no different)
A/N: My everlasting thanks to
jennacorinth for her beta-skills, and for being my constant (and vocal) cheersquad! Also, any artists: I have some fan art requests at the end of this fic if anyone is willing to oblige - read on and it’ll make sense! Finally, formatting’s a bitch - bear with me if you see this and there are still some issues!
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:00 AM
We can do this. It’s only a week
12/24/2011 9:03 AM
It’s not a week. It’s 9 days.
That is OVER a week
12/24/2011 9:04 AM
Sorry, I know. You’re right.
We can do this
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:07 AM
I will miss you so much
12/24/2011 9:07 AM
I will miss you so much
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:09 AM
Haha jinx. Seriously tho. I’m
excited to see my cousins…
I just don’t think I’d realised that
I wouldn’t be seeing you every day
12/24/2011 9:13 AM
I wish your family didn’t
celebrate the holidays so
far away. It’s so isolating -
especially with no wifi
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:15 AM
Holidays is about family
only for us - I’ve never been
able to see friends during the holidays
so it’s normal
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:16 AM
Not that I don’t want to spend
them with you too - you’re
obviously more than a friend
12/24/2011 9.18 AM
But not quite family?
12/24/2011 9.19 AM
Arg. Ignore me. Of course
I’m not family - I’m sorry.
Need to think before
hitting “send” on texts
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:22 AM
You’re more than family
because I know you love me
12/24/2011 9:25 AM
Oh Blaine. :( You are perfect
to me
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:31 AM
At airport now. Gossip has
moved on to cousins. Line for
bag drop is crazy
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:34 AM
Coffee prices at airports
are extortion
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:35 AM
And it’s shit coffee
12/24/2011 9:37 AM
How did you do the bag drop
so quickly?? And yes of course
RE coffee. I feel your pain
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:40 AM
Carry-on only.
12/24/2011 9:41 AM
You’ve packed for 10 days
with only carry-on luggage?????
You’re in for a shock when we
travel together
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:43 AM
No I’m not - I saw your
luggage for Nationals remember?
I suspect when we travel together
I’ll still only have carry-on
luggage cos your stuff will take
up both our luggage allowances
12/24/2011 9:48 AM
I’ll take that as a promise ;)
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 10:03 AM
Boarding now. Love you
12/24/2011 10:05 AM
Love you too
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 10:16 AM
Older plane - no onboard
wifi etc :(
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 10:17 AM
Turning phone off now. Love
you so much. Miss you so much.
12/24/2011 10:30 AM
However far away… I
will always love you
12/24/2011 10.31 AM
That may or may not be
a test - get the reference?
12/24/2011 10:50 AM
At the mall. I don’t know how
Finn has ever managed at
Christmas before. He honestly
thought a wooden spoon might
be a good present for Carole.
12/24/2011 11:03 AM
How does one give someone
a haircare or skincare product
as a gift without implying
that they *need* it?
12/24/2011 11:06 AM
“Baby It’s Cold Outside” just
played on store radio. I
absolutely zoned out from
the rest of the shop for the
whole song. I think Finn
thought I was having a seizure
or something.
12/24/2011 11:26 AM
I’m glad you liked the present
I got you. I’m glad we
exchanged gifts before you
left, together.
12/24/2011 11:28 AM
I love love LOVE the pendant
you got for me. I’m never
going to take it off. I love
being able to touch it through my
clothes and feel tethered to you.
12/24/2011 12:03 PM
I can’t stop messaging you.
Everything reminds me of you.
Just saw some shoes you’d like.
12/24/2011 12:15 PM
I hope everything goes well
with your family this week.
I’m with you. Always
12/24/2011 12:42 PM
Only just got to the pretentious
French deli before it closed.
Could have been disastrous.
Who closes at 12:30pm on
Christmas Eve?!
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 1:03 PM
Landed. Flight from hell
mitigated by the playlist you
made me on my iPod :)
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 1:05 PM
How ever far away, I will
always love you - The Cure,
or more recently Adele…
“Lovesong”. Did you ever doubt
I would recognize the lyric?
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 1:08 PM
What type of shoes? I want to
be shoe shopping with you
right now. Steeling myself for
the onslaught of family.
12/24/2011 1:10 PM
I’d say to give my love to your
family… but I don’t know them.
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 1:20 PM
I’ll give them all your love
anyway - I’m going to spend
the whole time here gushing
about you. Added bonus that
it will make my Dad
uncomfortable :-/
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 1:26 PM
My cousin Nat already wants
to hear everything - she’s seen
photos of you on fb and thinks
you’re hot.
12/24/2011 1:30 PM
Nat clearly has good taste :p
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 2:44 PM
If my Dad wasn’t so serious in
his irrational fear of my sexuality
this would be funny
12/24/2011 2:58 PM
Sorry was caught up in the
kitchen so only just saw your
message? What happened?
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 3:14 PM
The cousins all share a couple of
rooms - girls’ room and boys’ room.
Dad decided maybe I shouldn’t
share with the boys this year.
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 3:17 PM
My brilliant cousins told him to
stop being an idiot.
12/24/2011 3:22 PM
So you’re with the boys?
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 3:28 PM
Yup - and Jack brought his Xbox :D
12/24/2011 3:32 PM
Oh god you’re not going to
get any sleep are you?
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 3:40 PM
I might have to visit the girls’ room
too - Hannah brought Singstar :)
12/24/2011 3:56 PM
You’re going to have fun :)
Just no flirty singing without me
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 4:01 PM
But Kuuuuuurt… that’s like asking
me not to BREATHE!
12/24/2011 4:08 PM
LOL true. Just make it clear
you’re flirting with me in absentia
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 4:16 PM
Deal. Going for a walk with cousins -
they’ve threatened to steal my
phone and read all our messages
unless I leave it here. Love you
12/24/2011 4:24 PM
K. Change your passcode. Kitchen
crisis I need to concentrate on
here (Finn - of course). Have fun
12/24/2011 6:05 PM
I can’t believe it’s Christmas
again already. Everything seems
happier this year. I hope
things are going well there
12/24/2011 7:38 PM
What are you doing for dinner?
Carole and I made a hearty
ratatouille which I deem a
success. Rachel is here too. The
only thing missing is you
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 8:24 PM
Can’t. Move. Mushroom. Risotto.
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 8:30 PM
Will you still love me when I
can’t fit into my pants because
I’ve eaten so much good food
this week?
12/24/2011 8:34 PM
Of course. I like you better
with no pants anyway :p
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 8:50 PM
OH MY GOD Nat saw your last
message and now everyone’s
teasing me!!
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:02 PM
Why can’t my Dad accept me
like everyone else does?
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:03 PM
Seriously. My cousin Jack is a
capital J jock even he thought
we look cute together in our
prom photos :)
12/24/2011 9:05 PM
You’re showing everyone photos
of us? You Dad will come around
eventually. He has to
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:12 PM
Thanks. And of COURSE I’m showing
everyone photos of us. You’re the
single most important thing/person
in the world to me
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:14 PM
Love you. Miss you
12/24/2011 9:22 PM
You are EVERYTHING that is RIGHT
with this world. Never forget that.
Love you too
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 9:30 PM
12/24/2011 9:40 PM
Take care of him girls - and have
fun. Tell him I miss him
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 11:48 PM
It’s safe again. I think I’m addicted
to texting you. It was like I was in
12/24/2011 11:50 PM
I had to give my phone to Finn
(obviously he’s given it back now) to
stop myself from texting
embarrassing sweet nothings
to your cousins
Blaine <3
12/24/2011 11:53 PM
That would’ve made their
night :) Can I call you now?
12/24/2011 11:55 PM
You better :)
12/25/2011 12:32 AM
Loved hearing your voice.
Merry Christmas and sleep tight
Blaine <3
12/25/2011 12:35 AM
Merry Christmas Kurt. Sweet
dreams. I love you xx
12/25/2011 12:38 AM
---> Click here for Day 2 - Sunday A/N: The formatting of this is killing me. I seriously want to murder LJ. I had it so pretty before with colours and Kurt's text being on the right etc etc. But no. Even doing it more simply I'm having to split the fic into each individual day. I recommend reading all in one though so I'll do a masterpost for this when it's all up (may take a couple of days - only have sporadic internet).