Title: Why Weasleys Shouldn’t Rule The Gene Pool
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco, Scorpius/Rose
Authors Notes: Written for
hd100’s challenge the next generation.This is a sequel to
Married?! When Draco saw his first grandchild, he blanched and ran from the room.
Harry gave the couple a quick, anguished look and followed. Draco might be faster than him nowadays, but the sound of Harry’s cane pocking on the hardwood floors might draw him out of hiding.
He found him huddled on an old brocade armchair, his head in his hands. “It’s not that bad, Draco.”
“Yes, it is!” Draco snapped. “It's dreadful. She’s disfigured.”
“Draco, it’s what happens when Weasleys and Malfoys intermarry.”
Draco sniffed. “But Harry... My granddaughter, my heir, the first female Malfoy born in centuries... is ginger.”