Title: Utter Cockslut (A Worthy Cause)
Word Count: ~7600
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco, Ron/Pansy, loadsa guys/Draco including Ron/Draco
Rating: Explicit
Content: (Consensual) pimping & prostitution, light humiliation, bondage, gags. Multiple POVs (clearly marked, not head-hopping)
Summary: Harry sells Draco’s arse to all comers for a night.
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Comments 13
So very hot and delicious, and the side of Ron/Draco was just icing on the cake. *Giggles* at Pansy being so turned on by it...I know that feel, girl ;D
Great work as always! Loved it :)
LOL. I really like the idea of monogamish Pansy/Ron trading dirty talk about what Ron did to Draco :D
Awwwww, thanks again!
And OMG “Did Draco fuck Harry over about what ‘traditional robes’ means again?” - I understood that reference ;)
Heh. Now all I'm thinking about is Ron and Draco having an endless fight about what constitutes wizarding smart-casual :P
HAHAHA YEP. I love kinky!Snape and object insertion - in fact I have a few recs for you along those lines if you're cool with Snape/Draco.
I just can't embrace the idea of iper-controlled, dommy-dom, cold and collected Harry. *nodnod* Yeah, this would be why the majority of my Harry/Draco kink is EXTREMELY fluffy with a caring and sometimes clumsy dom!Harry. I'm really pleased to hear you think he feels like Harry, given that this is by far my most outlandish porn scenario!! And omg, I fucking love Harry/Draco/Ron and ESPECIALLY Harry and Ron as besties collaborating 'against' Draco, so it was SO FUN to write that dynamic between the three of them ( ... )
IDK? It's just that Snape creeps me out and it's strange to imagine him doing anything with anyone? But maybe with the porny bdsm porn it works, because he looks like a sadist. (Romantic scenarios: NOOOOOOPE)
Haha, yep, we all enjoy helpless!Draco. Especially Harry :D Have you read any of jennavere's fic on Skyehawke? (Google 'jennavere Skyehawke'.) It's ancient, she left fandom about six months after I arrived, but it's ADORABLE and GREAT and tends to have a lot of bratty, bitchy Draco and Harry being infuriated, but also wanting to indulge him :D
No! Do you recommend her? I honestly read fanfics just on AO3 at this point, there's a lot of stuff and it's easier to search for genres, characters and so on.
I totally do rec her, yeah! And I love AO3, but since it's something that came out of Strikethrough 2008 there's some amazing older stuff it's missing.
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