Afterburn (NC-17)

Sep 11, 2007 23:22

I step into the bar, still reeling from completing that last job. I need something to burn away the new vivid images playing in my mind. I hardly ever kill anymore, but tonight it was personal.

I spot him sitting in the corner, furtively surveying his surroundings. He’s scruffy, mean-looking, dead sexy. I know immediately that this stranger is ( Read more... )

rating: nc-17, universe: au, genre: pwp, fic, author: tinkcph

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Comments 7

heartandcore September 11 2007, 23:23:34 UTC
Now this was a good PWP delivery. Images that are all flesh and throbbing, lines that makes one smirk. A game of desire and temptation.

Good writing, girl. Love to see more from where this came from.


tinkcph September 12 2007, 17:05:23 UTC

Thanks so much! I had a lot of fun with this, and I'm very glad you like it!


jaq_of_spades September 12 2007, 00:00:37 UTC
Superb. Nothing like smartarse, irreverent porn. Great writing, intriguing story. I'd love to know what verse you write in; why they've never met etc ... if you feel like writing some backstory, I'm there ;)


tinkcph September 12 2007, 17:13:53 UTC

Wow, thanks!

I haven't really given much thought to backstory. This just popped into my head the other night and I hurried up and posted it before I changed my mind. So I guess they haven't met because, uhm, it's an AU. Heh. I'm considering a sequel and if that happens, I'll be sure to bring more exposition.

Meanwhile, I'll just take that little word 'superb' with me so I can take it out and look at it often. Thank you very much.


dutchxfan September 12 2007, 17:36:35 UTC
Whoa... you sure didn't waste any time posting it. Cool! It would be nice to see more of this universe indeed. *nods* Maybe I should sleep with more people if that produces fics like this one?


Okay, that sounded weird. *lol*


tinkcph September 12 2007, 20:36:49 UTC

Heheheh! Still, might be worth a try. :D

Yeah, I didn't want to risk changing my mind. Don't think I'm quite finished with this 'verse myself, so there might be more.


gammameta September 13 2007, 21:52:57 UTC
I like your Rogue. She's different than almost any other, edgy, dangerous, crafty, nearly invulnerable but not quite - that moment when she is just herself in her lover's embrace. And maybe she's lying to herself a little that she doesn't want more sometimes - i think she just doesn't want to be like everyone else, mawkish like them, romantic, deluded, sweet, weak. She's a woman who is not afraid to go after what she wants, who appreciates toughness, even roughness, who has a sense of humor in the face of rudeness. And she got her way the quickest way - became desire, fantasy, sex and flame. Wonder how often she does it by being herself?

Great imagery. Felt tension all the way through fic had a natural rise and fall. I think present tense helped.

Great idea for an AU. Has me thinking about what comes next - MORE!! :p


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