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Comments 8

chasing_banky June 12 2019, 08:19:15 UTC
That sounds brilliant, can’t wait!! Good luck with it :)
So many of my favourites are archived at wrfa and ao3, but maybe you can perform a miracle and find jjblazer’s old fics?


chasing_banky June 12 2019, 08:22:15 UTC
Thanks! I have some of her fics on an external drive somewhere. I have to dig through. I'm sure there are others who have saved her work as well.


dutchxfan June 12 2019, 08:23:18 UTC
Oh, that was me. I wasn't logged in anymore.


roguelotus June 12 2019, 15:21:04 UTC
Ahhh, so wonderful to hear that you are back! And I am so excited about your new archive! The old WRFA is down, and was just thinking how sad it would be if all these great fics were lost forever.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!


dutchxfan June 12 2019, 18:18:10 UTC
Thanks! Good to see you're still around. :)


roguelotus June 12 2019, 20:04:59 UTC
Yep, still here! You seriously don't know how much of a thrill it is to see YOU back. Allow me to gush for a moment...I love your work so much that I make it a point to read Yellow Brick Road or Once Upon a Time every time I go on vacation. Road trip, fics loaded onto the ipad, munchies at my side--I'm in heaven. I've read them both so many times. They are works of art, I tell you!


paradisekendra June 12 2019, 20:47:24 UTC
Becca, this sounds wonderful. I think fandoms were meant to help us focus on something fun, and if we're lucky, we can also make some awesome friends along the way. I look forward to creating an archive with you! XOXOXOXOXO


dragonflyinlove June 27 2019, 14:09:37 UTC
This makes me so happy! I just came here, after trying to find your website to re-read some favorites for the millionth time and was disheartened to find it gone <3


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