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Comments 7

golden_scarlett February 18 2014, 08:24:19 UTC
Oh...whoa. Shit just got real!! I'm so happy that Anna being in 'one dropped scene' wasn't true...but god ...now I'm gagging to see it :)

And what's this about Hugh initiating making out with Anna in the tent? I'd never heard that...please elaborate!


cricketgrl February 18 2014, 17:51:00 UTC
Bryan has been a complete mystery with Rogue right from the beginning. Seeing that he’s backpedaling on his previous comments. Although now that I think about it could have been FOX and Bryan’s way to keeping buzz going for the film. Time will really tell though.

Yes, Hugh&Anna has a kiss in the tent during the production of X2 it was put into the gag reel and shown at various Comic cons but hasn’t been put on DVD, yet. In the tent scene, Rebecca (Mystique), Halle (Storm), Famke(Jean) and Anna (Rogue) all spend time with Hugh in the tent as Mystique is shapeshifting into all their characters. The difference with Anna is that she is not supposed to make out with Hugh but I guess Hugh was feeling frisky when Anna entered the tent, grabbed her and gave her a wet kiss then looks at the camera and says “Yeah baby yeah!”


golden_scarlett February 18 2014, 22:45:39 UTC
Argh!! I love it! Yeah baby yeah indeed. ;) Man, he saw some action in that tent haha :)

Yup only time will tell but I'm impressed that we're being kept guessing, so many movies just put everything out there before the thing is even out now and personally I like a bit of surprise.

Thanks for the info :)


paradisekendra February 24 2014, 03:57:49 UTC
Thanks for the HOT memories of that tent scene, chica!!! And #positivevibes that Anna's back in DOFP. Rogue is so valuable and this movie has such fabulous potential---she deserves to be a part of it! I want my favorite X-Women and some Hugh and Anna! ♥♥♥ BTW your banner is beeeeauuutiful!


chasing_banky February 18 2014, 17:18:23 UTC
Ooh, great article. Thanks for posting. Definitely more enthusiastic about this movie than I was a month ago ;)


cricketgrl February 18 2014, 17:53:16 UTC
I’m feeling more optimistic because Bryan is behind the lens and had more input on the script. What worries me is that he’s brought in some of the Superman Returns writers with him and those kids are more miss than hit. X2 has a culmination of writers and creative team behind it. I’m only worried about Kinberg’s influence because he’s not a very strong writer although with Singer behind him it will probably tilt the scales into the positive.


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