ROGAN QUESTION AT COMIC CON?? And a tad bit of Hugh/Anna

Jul 27, 2013 20:37

Hey people!
While I was watching at Youtube the X-Men panel at 2013 Comic Con, I noticed one of the questions was about Logan and Rogue, but unfortunally, my English is not good enough to understand what are they saying exactly….
So, I was wondering if someone could do some kind of transcript about the question, or tell us more or less what are ( Read more... )

pairing, comm: help, universe: x-men days of future past, news, video

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Comments 8

paradisekendra July 27 2013, 19:52:47 UTC
I think she asks if we're ever going to see a Gambit/Rogue involvement. I can't find the Hugh/Anna interaction! Gaaah, where is it? :)


dutchxfan July 27 2013, 19:57:26 UTC
Right when Anna asks, "Brian?" Hugh looks and smiles at her.


paradisekendra July 29 2013, 20:16:09 UTC
Ohhhhhhhh, beauteous!!! You know when I first looked I didn't recognize Anna as a blonde, lol. I was like, "WTF is she doing lined up with her fellow mutants with that hair, come on now." But I'm so happy for some Hughanna!



dutchxfan July 27 2013, 19:56:14 UTC
The girls asks if there will be a Gambit/Rogue involvement. She's not talking about Wolverine/Rogue.

Anna: "Brian?"
Brian: "We're exploring all options at the moment, right?"
Anna: "I'm down with this."

So... they might go back in time and find Gambit for Rogue?


drusila1987 July 27 2013, 20:41:04 UTC
oh!! So they are talking about Gambit...ok.

I guess I heard what I wanted to, mind tricks, maybe?

Anyway, thank you everyone for the help! And sorry for the confussion!!

P.D: Hugh does smiles at Anna, when she asks Brian...maybe they know something we not?


dutchxfan July 29 2013, 11:07:42 UTC
Let's hope so. I'm already happy if they'll have a scene togthere where they will interact. I've pretty much given up hope for a real shipper moment...


golden_scarlett August 10 2013, 06:09:11 UTC
Seriously...I don't understand how they could NOT address the Logan/Rogue storyline in the coming X Men films? I mean - and I know this isn't news to anyone here but I have to vent after seeing Wolverine - , in X1, Logan's inciting incident that leads him to the XMen, Charles and Jean is...meeting Rogue. He instantly feels a responsibility for her - and that continues throughout the movie, especially when he takes off to find her when she runs away, and then peaks when he risks his life to save her on the Statue of Liberty. (Then in X2 and 3 he becomes increasingly unconcerned with her which is entirely at odds with Logan's character and what has gone before but that's another issue I guess ( ... )


cricketgrl November 22 2013, 01:49:52 UTC
These are usually studio plants and/or screened questions (questions given to the participants by the Studio).

Studios would never allow a real fanboy to get up there and ask real, tough questions.

I'll be stunned if we ever see Gambit in this franchise under Bryan's rule. If we do it might be a Gambit/Storm interaction.


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