Chasing The Rogue - Chapter One

Jul 17, 2012 13:50

Title: Chasing The Rogue

Author: Karen

Rating: PG

Universe: AU

Disclaimer: The X-Men belong to Fox & Marvel. *sad panda*

Summary: Marie Lehnsherr - the President’s daughter, is tired of being followed by Secret Service agents so while on a diplomatic trip to Europe, she runs away from her bodyguards.

Thanks and air kisses to my fabulous betas ~ Taryn ( Read more... )

author: karen, universe: au, fic, rating: pg, genre: drama

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Comments 5

dutchxfan July 18 2012, 20:18:56 UTC
Okay, I'm going to try and follow this one. I'm terrible when it comes to keeping track, but one day I'll read all your fics.

As for this one, I love the idea of Marie being the presidents daughter, and I totally see Erik in his office. :D Well done using the 'teenagers' in the style of 'young people' from X1. I also laughed at Warren, who suddenly had a bit of a 007 moment. *lol*


kittenrescue July 22 2012, 15:52:16 UTC
Thanks, Becca. I know you're very busy with real life, so I really appreciate the effort. This story is seven chapters and each one is pretty short, so it should be a fairly quick read.


paradisekendra July 21 2012, 17:55:35 UTC
Hi sweetie! Sorry I've been so slow in replying and I'm being kinda lazy and unoriginal and copying/pasting my review from *smacks myself ( ... )


kittenrescue July 22 2012, 15:55:27 UTC
I'm flattered and so appreciative of your support of my stories and of my life in general - that I can't thank you adequately enough. I'm honored to call you a friend and very blessed to have you in my life.


paradisekendra July 22 2012, 17:07:54 UTC
It is I who am honored. I always support you with great admiration. Thank you and this fandom is so lucky to have you. :)


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