Fanfic: Only The Lonely

Jan 18, 2011 17:24

Hey gang! This is the first part to a multi-part fanfic, AU Logan and Marie. They are based more on the comics than the movies, but it should not detract from the story. Concrit is welcome. This was co-written by my good friend Jason Maclean, who was in charge of Logan. We hope you all enjoy it!

Only The Lonely )

rating: pg-13, universe: au, genre: romance, author: honeychan, fic

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Comments 3

kittenrescue January 19 2011, 02:19:36 UTC
Get a room, you two! Oh, you're in it..


As you said it was comic-based I keep picturing the gnome version of Logan that's predominant in the comics. I need to imagine the Hugh-like version they did feature in one of the comic series.

ETA: Two thumbs up for writing Rogue's southern accent. I did that in one of my fics - and it was really difficult. Now I'm revising the story and removing the accent.


honeychan January 19 2011, 03:09:20 UTC
I love pretty much all versions of Logan, and Hugh? He's fantastic. It worked out better for our fic (to us)to be closer to the comics.

I've read a few other fics that have tried to keep her accent, and reviews seem to be 50/50 on wether to write out her accent. Since we've been RP'ing these 2 for some time, some of her comes really very easy for me. Sugah, ahl, and ahm come the easiest. The trick is using the accent, but not get super-obnoxious with it.

Thanks for the comments!


kittenrescue January 19 2011, 04:23:38 UTC
My friend CrazyUndeadFairy is also good at writing her accent. Me ... not so much.

Here's an exert from the fic I changed.

Ah’ll just bet ya were. Aloud she said, “Ah was just excited to tell you mah big news, that’s all. Logan, ah’ve had a breakthrough. Ah can control mah mutation and not just for short bursts, either, but for as long as ah want. Isn’t that great?”


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