What Do You Want From Me- Part 6/?,

Nov 22, 2010 13:11

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Chapter: 6- Impossible
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.


Marie twirled in her green dress and smiled. She had to admit, she looked good. The party would start in two hours and she was a little nervous to be around so many people. The last time she’d been at a party was the baby shower that her co-worker John had thrown for her. And that had just been plain awkward. Two people in a teeny tiny apartment, it was a disaster though Marie didn’t have friends or need a baby shower. Logan had paid for all Lena’s baby things so she hadn’t needed all that much. She headed to the kitchen and stopped as Lena ran towards her. Lena’s little lemon dress was covered in chocolate pudding. Marie sighed and held Lena away from her.


Logan strode out the kitchen and shook his head. Marie’s jaw dropped open at how incredibly sexy Logan looked in a tuxedo. Logan scooped up Lena and headed to her room.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get her clean.” He said.

Marie nodded numbly before closing her eyes and smacking her forehead.

“Don’t even go there.” She muttered to herself.


Marie smoothed her dress as people wondered around the back garden, wishing Jubilee a happy birthday. The party was in full swing and the garden heavily overcrowded.  Marie tried to sneak back in the house to locate Lena when an arm shot out and grabbed her. She turned to find Jubilee smiling at her.

“Err... hey Jubes.”

“Come on chica! There are some people you have to meet.”

Jubilee beckoned some people over and kept a firm grip on Marie. A short girl with brown hair and a young man with blonde hair smiled and walked towards them. The girl had a pale pink dress on that ended at her knees and the young man had a grey suit and pink tie to match the girl.

“Okay, so Marie this is my cousin Katherine Xavier or Kitty and her boyfriend Robert Drake or Bobby.”

“Hi.” Said Marie.

“Hey there.” Smiled Kitty.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” said Bobby.

Marie shook hands with both and opened her mouth to start a conversation but she was pulled away by Jubilee. They headed towards the back where there was a man in a wheel chair and sitting next to him was a beautiful woman with dark olive skin and pure white hair. They stopped in front of them and Jubilee squeezed Marie’s hand.

“Marie, this my aunt Ororo Munroe-Xavier and my uncle Professor Charles Xavier.”

Marie smiled and shook both their hands. Jubilee practically shoved Marie onto a seat and started walking away.

“I’ll be right back.” .

Ororo chuckled and rolled her eyes.

“That girl is always in a hurry. It’s lovely to meet you Marie. Jubilee has told me so much about you.”

“Good things I hope.”

“Why yes.”

“She also mentioned you are interested in finding work?” asked Xavier.

“Yes, I’m in desperate need of a job... only... I’m not qualified for anything.”

“Well, Ororo might have something that might interest you.”

“Really?” asked Marie, turning to look at Ororo.

“I’ve been looking for someone to assist me during the school term.”

“Oh, I think I could do that.”

“Then it’s settled.” Said Xavier.

Marie nodded her eyes turning to the middle of the garden where couples were dancing. She was surprised to find Logan dancing with Lena in the shadows, the little girl clinging to him, her head buried in his shoulder.

“It’s a good thing their parents aren’t here.” Sighed Xavier.

“Indeed Charles. They’d surely notice.”

“Notice what?” asked Marie.

“We’ve met Lena before. She really is a beautiful child.” Remarked Ororo.

“Logan told you?”

“Yes, but do not be alarmed. Only Ororo, myself and Jubilee know. Logan’s parent’s live in Antarctica, researching climate change. My sister and her husband are researchers.” explained Xavier.

“He’s lucky, to be surrounded by family.” Whispered Marie.

Charles and Ororo glanced at each other. Charles nodded, excused himself and headed over to where Kitty was sitting. Ororo reached forward and touched Marie’s hand.

“The school has a mansion a few miles away where the staff and students who need accommodation live. There’s a room for you there when you start your job.”

“Thank you.”

Ororo nodded and Marie stood and walked into the house. She looked for Jubilee and saw the girl disappear into her room. Excusing herself, she followed the girl inside the house, thinking Jubilee was upset. She opened the door to Jubilee’s room and froze. Jubilee turned and so did the man currently holding her in his arms. Jubilee was saying something but Marie couldn’t stop staring at the man she'd last seen when she was seventeen.

“Remy...” she whispered.

“Hello chere.”

Jubilee pulled away from the man and looked at him and then Marie. She walked over to Marie and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Marie, you okay?”

She wanted to nod and say she was but her instincts were telling her to run. She could feel herself shaking and closed her eyes.

“Jubilee, give us a moment alone, s'il vous plait, petite.” whispered Remy.

“I don’t know...”

“It’s okay Jubes. “ whispered Marie, opening her eyes.

“Just a conversation between old friends.” said Remy.

Jubilee nodded and left the room closing the door behind her. Marie took a deep breath and sat down on the bed. Remy walked up to her and stroked her cheek.

“I missed you. So much.”

“Please Remy, don’t.”

“You didn’t have to leave.”

Yes, she did. Marie closed her eyes again, trying to shake off the pain. The last time she’d seen Remy LeBeau, she’d been eighteen, about to turn nineteen. He’d been sitting at the kitchen table of his Manhattan apartment, looking down at his hands as she left. He didn’t even try to stop her from leaving. Not that she would have stopped if he’d asked. Looking up at him now, she couldn’t help but swoon. He looked handsome in a tuxedo that hugged his lithe form. He took a step closer to her and crouched in front of her, looking into her eyes.


“Why are you here?”

“Old friend of Ororo’s.”

“Does she know you’re flirting with her niece?”

“It was innocent.”

“Whatever! I can’t even look at you. Please just leave me alone.”

“As you wish.”

Remy stood up and walked out just as Jubilee came back in carrying Lena. Marie reached out for her daughter and took her from Jubilee, rocking her gently. Jubilee sat beside her looking at her yellow nail polish.


“Stay away from him, Jubes.”

“Look, we’re friends but you can’t tell me to-“

“He’s married.”

Jubilee gasped and Marie stood up to place Lena on the bed. She kissed her daughter on the cheek, the little girl’s eyes starting to fall shut. She then stood by the window and took a deep breath.

“I used to live on the street and used to hitch a ride to different places. I was skulking around in Baton Rouge airport when Remy found me. I tried to steal his wallet but he caught me. He took me to a hotel, cleaned me up and together we drove to Manhattan. I was so stupid back then. Just a silly seventeen year old girl.”

“What happened?”

“I fell in love. I stupidly fell headfirst in love with Remy. I hardly knew him but I’d been on my own for so long. Mamma always said to take caution when it comes to love. It’s just... I had no-one back then and Remy was willing to take care of me. I just never realised he saw me more as a little girl to take care of than a woman who loved him. I forgot my one rule that I lived by... trust no-one. We lived together, after a year we started sleeping together and one day he was out, I answered his phone and Mrs Remy LeBeau is on the other end. I confronted him, he didn’t deny it and I left.”

“God... what a jerk.”

“The worst part is a small part of me still loves him. I mean the time I spent with him was one the happiest memories I have and in the end all I got was a broken heart.”

Marie wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the tears starting to fall. She kept her voice level and kept her face turned away from Jubilee as she whispered quietly;

“You should go. It’s your birthday. People will be looking for you.”

“What about you?”

“I have a headache. I’m just going to change out of this and lie down.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Go on. Go party!”

Marie heard Jubilee stand up and leave. She waited until the door closed before the tears rushed at full force and she collapsed to the floor, her chest heaving as she cried herself to sleep.


Marie felt someone shaking her shoulder softly. She blinked and opened her eyes to find Logan standing over her. He carefully pulled her up, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. She looked into his deep hazel eyes and felt herself want to cry again. She pulled away from him and sat down on the window sill.

“You okay darlin’?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“They’re going to cut the cake soon. Jubilee wants you to be there.”


She stood up and they turned towards the door. Marie froze as Remy filled the doorframe. He took a step towards her and her breath caught. He held his hands up and took another step towards her.

“I mean no harm. Just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me.”

“Why would she do that?” snarled Logan.

“Stay out of this, Logan.” hissed Remy.

“Stop it Remy.” Whispered Marie.

“You don’t belong here. I know you. We’re the same. We can go back to Manhattan and it could be like it was.”

Marie shook her head and took a few steps forward anger boiling inside her.

“I said stop it! Okay! It can’t be like it was ever again! You lied to me! I’ve never been so embarrassed, so betrayed. Stop acting like I did the wrong thing! You’re the one who is married to someone else.”

“Bella Donna means nothing to me.”

“Then why won’t you divorce her? If you love me so much, why can’t you have just me?”

Remy looked at her and shook his head, turning away.

“It’s impossible.” He whispered, before walking out the bedroom.

Marie wiped her tears and looked down at her hands. Logan took her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

“Let’s go.” he whispered.

“I can’t.”

“Come on. You haven’t even danced with me.”

She looked up at Logan and saw a softness in his eyes that she’d never noticed. She smiled, understanding that he was trying to distract her from what happened. She wrapped her arm around his and rested her head on his arm.

“One dance then.” She muttered.

“Come on then princess, let’s get you to the ball.”


universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, fic, rating: pg, genre: drama

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