What Do You Want From Me- Part 5/?,

Nov 07, 2010 16:10

Title: What Do You Want From Me

Author: alexmonalisa

Chapter 5 - Try

Rating: R

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*

Feedback: Better than chocolate cake

Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.

Author’s notes: I gave Logan and Marie some interaction, nothing fluffy though.


It was two days until Jubilee’s party and Marie was beginning to feel extremely nervous. She was also extremely tired from running after Lena every five seconds. Despite what Logan thought, his house was far from child safe. It was filled with extremely delicate antiques, a fire place, a samurai sword on the mantel and dozens of fairy light outside for Jubilee’s party. Lena unfortunately thought fairy lights were for eating so the back door was permanently locked during the day. Though, Marie had to admit, the garden was beautiful. Even the rocks around the pond had fairy lights and there were tables swathed in cloth. There were red roses on the tables, completing Jubilee’s fairytale theme. Marie sighed and continued walking to the kitchen. She froze as she stepped inside. Logan was sitting at the counter, looking down at the newspaper, eyes zooming across the page. Marie took a step back but he looked up and she froze again.

“Er… hey.”

“You avoiding me?” he asked.

Marie scoffed and strolled into the kitchen. She headed to the sink and poured herself a glass of water. She then leaned against the sink, facing him, as she slowly took a sip. She grimaced at the taste of tap water but didn’t throw it out. Logan was now staring at her with a slight expression of confusion. She put down the water and crossed her arms, eyes darting to the empty back garden.

“Where’s Jubes and Lena?” she asked.

“Jubilee took Leenie to the park. They’ll be back in an hour.”


“So, are you avoiding me?”

“No. I’ve just been busy.”

“Doing what exactly?”

“Being a mother.”

“And that keeps you busy twenty-four seven?”

Marie narrowed her eyes at him as he smirked looking extremely smug. She reached into her pocket and pulled out two headache pills and took them with her murky tap water. She then finally threw the water out and rinsed out the glass.

“So…” she said, facing him again, “where’s Mrs Howlette?”

“I ain’t married yet, kid.”

She pulled a face at the word kid and rolled her eyes.

“You’re still engaged to Kayla Silverfox? Damn, I thought you would have made her your wife asap.”

“Why’s that?”

“She’s rich, fabulous and beautiful. I’d give anything to have what she does.”

“Even Lena?”

Marie snapped out of her daydream, which contained her in a diamond dress, and smiled softly. She shook her head and took a seat opposite Logan.

“I wouldn’t trade Lena for anything. I just wish I could give her everything.”

She looked up at Logan to find a soft smile on his face. He actually looked… handsome. He also looked years younger without the usual scowl. His smile made his eyes sparkle leaving her mesmerized. He suddenly looked away, and she gave herself a mental shake.

‘Don’t even think about it Marie.’ She told herself.

“When I marry Kayla, I don’t want any secrets between us.” whispered Logan.

Marie nodded but then froze and clenched her fists in anger.

“No.” she whispered.


“You tell her about Lena, and before I can even blink, I’m on the street and you and the Mrs have my daughter.”

“Marie, it won’t be like that-“

“Damn right it won’t. If you think I’ll just roll over and give my daughter away, you’re wrong.”

“Even if she’d be better off?”

Marie  gasped and stood abruptly, tears sting her eyes as she stared at Logan. Logan grimaced and reached out.

“Marie, I didn’t-“

“Fuck you.” She spat, before turning on her heel and heading out of the house.


It was night when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She didn’t move from her seat, just merely stared down at her glass of water.

“How did you find me?” she muttered.

“This is the only place that has sushi.” Said Jubilee.

Marie smiled sadly and looked up. Jubilee was standing next to her with Lena on her hip. Lena looked miserable and having seen her mother was fighting Jubilee to get to Marie. Marie stood up, took Lena and kissed her on her forehead. Jubilee gestured to a booth and Marie nodded, following her. They sat opposite each other, and Marie stroked Lena’s back, humming a lullaby. Once the little girl had settled, Marie looked up at Jubilee.

“It’s sad, isn’t it? I have no-one to run to. No family to take me in, no friends, no-one.”

Jubilee shook her head and reached across to take Marie’s free hand.

“You’ve got me. Here.”

Jubilee reached into her bag and took out a small black cell phone. She put it in Marie’s hand and curled her fingers around it.


“It one of my old ones. My number’s been programmed on it.”

“I have a phone!”

“It’s ancient and a brick. This one is slimmer and more… modern.”


“You’re welcome.”

Marie glanced at Lena who was fast asleep. She looked at Jubilee who was staring at the menu.



“Why isn’t Lena back at the house?”

“I talked to Logan. He told me what he said. I know he didn’t mean it, but it was still wrong. And Lena was throwing a tantrum when she noticed you weren’t there.”

“I know I’m a bad mother. It just hurts to hear.”

“You are a good mother.”


“Let’s go. We can watch movies in my room and eat ice-cream until we puke.”

Marie giggled and shook her head. They stood up, Marie slowly as not to wake Lena, and headed outside. A cab was waiting on the curb, and Jubilee opened the door. Marie climbed in with Lena and scooted over so that Jubilee could get in.

“Back home.” said Jubilee.

The driver nodded at Jubilee at started the car. Jubilee reached over and patted Marie’s hand.

“Logan gets antsy when it comes to Kayla. Their relationship has been strained lately, hence she isn’t here with him. Kayla wants to quit and start having kids but Logan wants to excel in his career. He doesn’t mean the stuff he says.”

“He’s still an asshole.”

“I ain’t denying that. But he has a good heart.”

“I guess.”

Marie looked out the window watching all the cars passing. The whole time she’d been sitting in the noodle bar, she’d been thinking about what would happen if Logan married Kayla. There’d be no place for Marie. Kayla, Logan and Lena would be travelling and spending time together being a family. Then one day Kayla would suggest Logan should get full custody of Lena. And he would. He had a job, a house and a family, everything she didn’t. And if Marie lost Lena, she would have nothing in this world. Sighing, she looked down at her little angel and brushed some of brown hair from her face. The car stopped and Marie climbed out as Jubilee paid the fare, and looked at the house. She felt Jubilee place a hand on her back but she didn’t move.

“Jubes… I can’t.”

“Hey. It’ll be okay.”

Marie took a deep breath and walked towards the front door. Before Jubilee could even get her keys out, the door opened. She looked up at Logan before looking away and squeezing past him. She headed straight to Lena’s room and carefully tucked Lena in. As she stood up and turned to find Logan leaning against the door. He walked past her and placed a kiss on Lena’s forehead before facing her.

“I’m sorry, Marie. What I said was wrong and untrue.”

She shrugged and looked down. He stepped closer and lifted her chin so that she was forced to look at him.

“I will never take Lena away from you.” He whispered.

“You promise?”

“Yeah, yeah I promise.”

He reached out and squeezed her hand. Marie smiled before slowly taking her hand from his and walking towards Jubilee’s room. Jubilee was sitting on the bed with a smug look on her face. Marie flopped down the bed and let out a deep breath.

“You know, you and my brother are really cute together.”

Marie reached for a pillow and chucked it at Jubilee’s head. Jubilee yelp and fell to the floor.

“Hey! I’m just saying!”

“Not gonna happen Jubilee.”


universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, fic, rating: pg, genre: drama

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