What Do You Want From Me- Part 2/?,

Aug 02, 2010 12:20

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Chapter: 2
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.
Author’s notes:Here the seconds chapter! Enjoy. Takes place two years later.

Two Years Later


Marie rolled her eyes and flashed a quick smile at her customer.

“One minute sugar, the boss is calling.”

Tucking her notebook back in her apron, she turned around and skipped to the kitchen. She entered slowly to find her boss leaning against the counters, eyes narrowing at her.

“Kevin, babes, I’m trying to work-“

“Save it. You’re fired.” he snapped.

“What? You can’t just fucking fire me!”

“I have to when you keep break rules.”

She gasped and stepped forward when her eyes fell on the little person sitting on the floor. She groaned and rubbed her head.

“Look Kevin, I’m a single mom-“

“Spare me the crap Marie.”

“You can’t do this! I work fucking hard here! Three shifts almost every day, Saturday’s and functions. Heck I even table danced on that Coyote night we had.”

“And I appreciate all that but the other girls are willing to do the same. And they don’t leave their things-“

“Hold the fuck up! You did not just call my kid a thing!”

“Just get outta my diner.”


Marie was interrupted as the little girl on the floor started to cry for attention. Marie sighed and scooped up her daughter.

“Shh Lena, it’s okay.”

Lena stopped crying and looked at her mother. Marie smiled and kissed her daughters forehead. She shot a glare at her boss before walking over to the lockers in the back. She put Lena down then ripped off her apron and shirt, stuffing them in the locker before putting on her t-shirt. She then took her bag and Lena, making sure the toddler was securely seated on her hip. She then held her head high and marched out of the diner. She headed over to her car and strapped Lena into her kiddie seat. Closing the door, she leaned against the car taking deep breaths. As she walked over to her side of the car, her cell rang.



“It’s Marie, Mr Gregovich.”

“Of course. I have some unfortunate news.”

“What now?”

“You rent, dear, hasn’t been paid in. For two months.”

“Fuck! I’m sorry but with everything that’s happened-“

“You’ve been evicted, I sent a notice last week about it. You’re stuff has been left outside. Please pick them up soon!”

“No! You can’t do this!”

“Good bye Maria.”

There was a click as the phone went dead and Marie cursed. She looked up at the sky with an expression of anger.

“This is for blackmailing that no good bastard, isn’t it! I do the right thing and use all the money for Lena, but still my life has to go down the crapper!”

She screamed and then cursed again as Lena started to cry. She climbed into the car and kissed her daughters cheek.

“I’m sorry dumpling. Mommy didn’t mean to shout.”

Lena sniffled, her hazel eyes turning to her mother. Marie smiled and stroked her daughters cheek. Every cent Logan gave her went to a bank account he set up for Lena. It was his way making sure that Marie didn’t get a penny of his money. His rule was that if she needed something she asked. So he provided diapers, cots, bottles, clothing and any other baby stuff Lena needed. It made things weird for Marie. She’d be walking around wearing things she’d found in bargain bins while Lena wore designer. She never had time to date, only take care of her daughter. She was paranoid when it came to Lena and never wanted a babysitter. Marie didn’t trust people easily, not after what happened to her. Sighing, she watched as the little girl finally drifted off to sleep before making up her mind.

“Lena, let’s go pay daddy a visit.”


Marie pulled up to the house, staring at it with her mouth open. She’d never seen Logan’s house before. He’d left the address in case of emergency but she decided never to use it. Now she wondered why she was so stupid. It was huge, the design modern and sleek. She’d heard of the great houses in Westchester but damn this was her kinda house. She looked in her rear-view mirror and checked her make-up. Three day old mascara, smudged eye liner and dry cracked lips. God she looked awful. She ran a hand through her greasy blonde hair and surveyed the boxes in the back seat. Mr Gregovich had not been kind when throwing their stuff out and most of the things were damaged. Rummaging through the items, she pulled out her black bag and took out some lip gloss. Smacking some on her lips, she wiped off the mascara and eye-liner before getting out of the car. She then walked over to Lena’s side and took the sleepy toddler out. Lena grumbled and pulled on her hair.

“Sh, dumpling. It’s going to be okay.”

Marie made sure Lena was secure on her hip, before taking a deep breath and marching up to the front door. She knocked on the door and waited. And waited... and waited. Eventually the door opened to reveal a short girl, with pixie styled black hair wearing a large SpongeBob t-shirt that hung by her knees. Marie’s eyes widened. Looks like Logan had more secrets than she thought, although this girl was quite young. The girl squinted at Lena before smiling and clapping her hands.

“Is that Lena? She’s cute!”

Before Marie could react, Lena was taken from her arms as the stranger twirled her around. Lena’s eyes snapped open fully and she shrieked as she looked down at the stranger. Marie grabbed her daughter and stepped back. The girl held up her hands and shook her head.

“Hey, no harm intended.”

“She doesn’t like strangers.” Hissed Marie.

“Strangers? Chica, me and her are family!”

“Just because you’re one of Logan’s whor-“

“Ew! Don’t finish that sentence.”

“Why not?” spat Marie.

“Look let’s start again. Hey there. I’m Jubilation Lee Howlette or just Jubilee. Logan’s little sister. I’m assuming you’re La Rogue?”

“Marie Turner.”

“Cool. So, you see I’m Lena’s aunt.”

Marie frowned. Logan had told someone? Jubilee picked up on her expression and smiled.

“Logan tells me everything.”

“Then you probably think I’m a bitch too.”

“Nah, you just needed the cash. I mean blackmail is a bit much but my brother is stubborn.”

“Is he here?”

“No, he’ll be back tomorrow.”


Marie cursed at the sky and then cursed again when she saw rain clouds.

“Table dancing it is.” She muttered.

“Wanna come in?”


Jubilee laughed and gestured into the house.

“I have this place to myself and it’s kinda scary. I’d love some company.”

Marie looked at the rain clouds and at Lena who looked plain miserable. Well, my baby comes first, she thought.

“Sure, thanks Jubes.”

“No problem chica.”


genre: angst, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, art: manip, fic, genre: drama

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