What Do You Want From Me- Part 1/?

Jul 25, 2010 16:51

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake so give me lots
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.
Author’s notes: The title comes from Adam Lamberts new song. The idea from Journey’s; ‘don’t stop believing’ and generally this is one complicated Rogan relationship.


Marie Turner never believed in luck, hope or fate. After being kicked out by her foster parents when she was thirteen, raped at sixteen and then spending most of her teens giving hand jobs for money, she knew life was shit and you just had to do your best to stay on top. Shaking her head violently, she groaned and rubbed her heavily pregnant stomach. She was eight months pregnant but since having nowhere to go she couldn’t stop working. Since her current career then of exotic dancer wouldn’t work with her current stomach size she had to work two shifts at the local diner. It was convenient because the train ride was never long and her house was near to the station. Her eyes flittered around the train and stopped on one particular passenger she hadn’t noticed before. Her heart slowed and she found it harder to breath. Dark hair, handsome face, strong hands, muscles straining from his shirt and… no. As he looked up she could see his piercing hazel eyes. She quickly turned away before he could see her face and buried herself in her book, ‘What to expect when you’re expecting.’.

It was him. Logan something or other. She never did get his last name. It had been so long ago. Eight months and four days to be precise. The exact amount of days she was pregnant. She’d been working as usual. Dancing for a bachelor party. She remembered the groom. Brown hair, blue eyes and a handsome face. He’d spanked her, twice. Her hair had been brown back then with two platinum streaks. La Rogue, she’d called herself. It had been late when one of the guys pulled her aside. Said that a guy named Logan had been having a rough day at work and needed a little ‘relief’. So she waited in the back room for him. It was meant to be a quick dance to get him relaxed. It ended up as a long fuck against the back wall. Strangely he wasn’t drunk like all the others. She guessed that maybe he had to make sure everyone got home safely. She liked him and would’ve even tried to find him. But one week later she read the word pregnant and decided that he wasn’t worth the effort.

It was strange, she’d been to the clinic six times, ready to have an abortion, but once she got there she couldn’t do it and simply turned away. This baby inside was something that she made that wasn’t a mistake. At least that’s what she was trying to prove to herself. Hands clenching suddenly she knew what she had to do. She’d been nice all her life, doing whatever anyone wanted. It was her turn to be the bad guy. She tucked her book into her bag and stood up. Staggering over to him she took a vacant seat next to him. He looked at her, eyes falling to her stomach before his expression turned dark and he looked away. She smirked and cleared her throat.

“Logan, right?”

“There’s no proof that it’s mine.”

“Sugar, I’m an exotic dancer, not a hooker. This baby is so yours.”

“Look Rogue-”



“My name is Marie.”

He sighed and leaned back, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“So, what do you want?” he finally asked.


“No can do.”

She scoffed, eyes roaming over his expensive looking suit.

“Seems like you can.”

“It’s not that I don’t have the money… it’s just-“

“You’re fiancé might find out.” She said, eyes zeroing on the newspaper article.

She plucked it from his fingers and scanned over it. She whistled and threw the paper back at him.

“The luscious Miss Kayla Frost. Beautiful, famous model and filthy rich. And by the looks of that picture, madly in love with you.”

Logan snarled in an animalistic way and gripped her wrist. She winced but didn’t let her guard down. She’d been through worse and wasn’t about to let some uptight prick get the best of her. She snatched her wrist back and dug through her bag, pulling out a pen and paper.

“Here’s my bank details, the amount I’d like and my cell number. Do it or I tell the lovely Miss Frost.”

She held the page out to him and he snatched it grudgingly.

“You’re a bitch.” he snarled.

“Whatever dude.”

“Can I see the kid?”

“If you want.”

Logan sighed and rubbed his knuckles.

“Fine.” He hissed.

She nodded and then stood up, waddling over to the doors. She hated what she had done but at least for once she would be able to make it through life. She walked out the train as it stopped at her station. She watched as the train moved away and rubbed her stomach.

“We’ll be okay now kid. Mommy’s gonna make sure of that.”

genre: angst, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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