Fic: Sensual Interlude

Sep 08, 2009 13:20

Title:  Sensual Interlude

Author: Karen


Disclaimer: The characters may officially belong to Marvel, but I think Logan and Rogue really belong to each other.

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Evolution Logan and Rogue

Summary:  When the mutants decide to go into hiding, Logan takes a certain sassy Southern gal with him.

Notes:  At ( Read more... )

author: karen, universe: comics, rating: nc-17, genre: shipperfic

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Comments 10

tigmode September 9 2009, 21:13:27 UTC
Wowza......very hot!


kittenrescue September 10 2009, 22:25:15 UTC
Having Logan as a muse makes it easy to write a hot fic. *grin*

Thanks for the fb.


broken_clover September 10 2009, 19:59:08 UTC
VERY HOT!! OMG! I need a cold shower or a Logan or something xD I don´t know... but wow! I want more hots like yours.

You´re very good. I hope I can read more fanfics writen by you.


PS: Really, Am I the only one that need a cold shower? xD


kittenrescue September 10 2009, 22:27:50 UTC
Thank you so much for the fb.

I'm slowly posting my fics on this LJ - so you should be able to find them soon.

Some of my fics can also be found on these sites ~

The 'tamer' stuff is here:

And the 'naughtier' ones can be found here:


xraraavisx October 5 2009, 23:58:10 UTC
This was one of the better Rogan smut pieces I've ever read, and the good ones aren't a big pool of choices, either.

Good job! This was undeniably well-written, with a lot of guts on both parts.


kittenrescue October 11 2009, 13:58:27 UTC
Thank you.

My favorite L&M fics tend to be smutty ones. Wonder what that says about me? LOL


meg1990 October 11 2009, 03:04:41 UTC
*Jaw drops* Hot. So. Very. Hot. Great job!


kittenrescue October 11 2009, 13:56:49 UTC
Thank you, Meg.

I used to be able to write decent sex scenes ... now, not so much. :(


dutchxfan October 17 2009, 18:22:23 UTC
Finally got around to read this one. Niiiiiice!! Rogue and Logan are hot in every 'verse, huh? If they'd only hook up in one of them for real... Stupid creators. They should read here more. ;)


kittenrescue October 17 2009, 18:44:20 UTC
Thank you for the fb, Becca. Yeah - L&R are hot in every 'verse. :)

If Bryan does work out a deal with Fox to return to the X-Men universe, maybe he will put them together. I know he was considering it before he bailed. Ralph Winter, Lauren Schuler-Donner and the Fox execs are aware of our fan group and the fics - so there's still hope.


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